
Authenticity Integrity Respect

Crystal Owls was created by Lyn in consultation with her angels.

Lyn is a lightworker.  She has had her abilities for as long as she can remember, they were passed down to her from  her Grandmother.

Growing up she discovered how her abilities were a gift because gifted adults were continually drawn to her and would seek her out.  She says several of them taught her so much, not least how to manage the magic.  She learnt about tarot at an early age, herbs as a teenager and healing and more as she grew up. She spent much of her teenage years utilising her healing powers to help misunderstood horses, ponies and dogs.  She would see things no one else could see and learnt from a psychic how to send these needy ghosts to her for help.

At a young age she did courses on flower remedies, yoga, healing and more, but had to earn a living.

So, Lyn joined the rat race of corporate life and says that always in the background was her affinity with animals and the natural world and the instinctive ability to heal and empathise with others.  Then there was the knowing.  Knowing things were a certain way, or knowledge of facts that she shouldn’t know.   She concentrated on “normal” life constantly pushing the sixth sense away.  When it returned the calling would not take no for an answer and she enrolled on courses as she felt inspired to do; growing her knowledge and learning more about the role of a light-worker.

To date:

  • Certified Card Reader
  • Qualified Crystal Therapy
  • Certified Aromatherapist
  • Diploma in Herbalism
  • Angel Realm Reader
  • Flower Remedies Diploma
  • Angel Healing (Reiki) courses
  • Meditation courses
  • Mindfulness Teacher
  • & more!

When she experienced a major health issue; Lyn was inspired beyond doubt that she could no longer ignore her calling. She was told by an Angel that the health scare was a message to take stock to follow her true calling and to slow down.  To serve God and help others by her strength of connection to Angels and Spirit.  She says that she was helping her colleagues at work more and more in a spiritual capacity anyway and that it felt entirely natural to trust her instincts, to trust God and to trust what the cards were telling her.  She’d had to turn her back on the strong calling before to be the family breadwinner.  Now, older having faced her own health scare Lyn realised it was time to take the card reading to the next level and to take the experience of soothing essential oils and healing crystals to a wider audience.  As she recovered from cancer she completed a course on crystal healing and enrolled on a card reading certification course.  She says as is often the case with metaphysical things she already knew the answers to a lot of the content, but learnt so much from the course too.  Not least, having her knowing verified again many years later from undertaking a course run by world renowned oracle and tarot card specialists:

Radleigh Valentine

Colette Baron-Reid

Denise Linn

Kyle Gray

Rev. Sharon Anne Klinger

Sandra Anne Taylor

She says she worked hard on the course content and felt truly blessed to achieve her certification from Hay House.


My name is Lyn

These ancient and now considered alternative therapies are now how I make my living.  I am blessed to do so.

With all therapies, I offer the aim is to kindly provide alternative and additional help and support.  Card readings, crystal therapies, aromatherapy lotions and blends should not replace modern medical treatment.  Along with my range of candles and air fresheners, they compliment and support modern traditional medicine and treatments.  They never replace the proper medical or legal advice that you may need.

  • I am blessed to have been hugged by an Angel
  • To see the signs in nature
  • To receive messages from Angels
  • To chat with the Angels
  • To be an ordinary person with a task to fulfil, to help others as I am guided.

Let me help you.

Always with authenticity integrity respect

Please be kind, your smile costs nothing but to the recipient it could be priceless.


The mission is simple, to help as many people as possible.


My vision is to trust…

To use my ability to help those who have a need of that help

To always work with honesty

To always be kind

To help you
