
Healing Practices - Reiki

Reiki Healing Session

Please consider Reiki as a complementary practice to your health and wellbeing.  You should never rely on Reiki or other healing as a sole treatment for serious health problems.  Think of it as an effective way of supporting your body and mind.

Complementary to Modern Medical Treatments

The healing system that we know as Reiki is a relatively new complementary treatment developed in the 1920s, although based on the teachings of the 1800s.  Reiki was brought from Japan to the west in the 1930s.  The popularity of Reiki has increased dramatically and increased the popularity of all metaphysical healing practices. 

In the USA, over 900 hospitals recommend and use Reiki as a complementary therapy.  They like it because it is never harmful, has no side effects and is a safe system to use alongside medications, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  These hospitals realise the benefits and that frequently, people need the comfort of additional therapies and that healing is a highly effective way to improve health and wellbeing.

Maintaining Wellness – Mind Body Spirit

Reiki is the perfect tool for maintaining wellness.  By having regular Reiki sessions, you help your body and mind to thrive and fight off potential illness.  Reiki also supports physical and mental health, pain relief and chronic conditions.

Reiki Works

Reiki can be through face-to-face appointments or sent remotely.  Because we are merely a conduit to deliver universal energy, not all practitioners are able to offer remote appointments.  Some Reiki practitioners are also intuitive psychics and are therefore able to work with your guardian angels and other angels to deliver, restore and balance energy to you remotely.  Reiki and especially distance Reiki is a very tiring practice for the practitioner that requires a high level of connection and energy that begins even before your session starts. 

Not all practitioners have a natural flair for healing, but with perseverance and discipline, many people can learn to practice Reiki. 

Remote Reiki is the perfect way to work with practitioners who you wouldn’t otherwise be able to see.

I know that Reiki is highly effective when the healer targets you when you are asleep.  Although I practice the principles of Reiki, I live a clean and wholesome life, I effectively balance my chakras, channel healing energy to myself and others.  I support my chronic condition and pain by having a weekly distance Reiki session from a friend of mine whilst I sleep.  By working with another practitioner in this way, I am confident that all stagnant and negative energy is removed and replaced with light, balanced energy.  I also cleanse my energy thoroughly before any treatments.  Before I give treatment, I meditate and call up healing energy that helps my clients and offers me protection from holding onto any negativity that the client may have.

Reiki is a wonderful tool for directing your energy, cleansing your energy and helping you towards your goals.  It’s a fantastic drug free pain management treatment and can also be used solely as a tool to help you achieve your goals or for self-development.

It is essential to be open minded and avoid scepticism before you start your Reiki session. 

In order for healing to work for you, you must:

  • Open your heart
  • Have the intention of healing – meaning you must desire the treatment to help
  • Be open to healing energy
  • Be accepting of universal energy

How it Works:

Buy a healing session.  Before your first session, your healer will want to consult with you about your conditions, concerns and what you want to achieve from the sessions.

I always undertake a consultation and assessment session before treatments begin.

You discuss a time of night or day when the healing will take place.  The healer will work out any time differences to ensure that the healing takes place when expected.

When you have healing as you sleep, you go to sleep as usual.  The only difference being that before going to sleep, you set the intention to receive healing.  You may want to also think about the area of your body where you want the healing energy delivered.

When you book a waking session, then you will lay or sit comfortably at the allotted time.  Make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed. 

I usually send a message to clients after a waking session to let them know the session is over and to tell them about anything I noticed about their treatment.

Sometimes people notice an immediate improvement in their ailments more often, though several sessions are needed to notice a difference.

You will benefit from the first four or five sessions in quick succession when you have a chronic condition.  Doing so helps your energy to learn the energy input and to increase the benefits of balancing your energy. 

No two people are the same and no two cases are the same.  In most cases, after the first four sessions, a regular single session successfully aids with the management of your condition.

How Long is a Reiki Session

A typical session lasts approximately 45 – 90 minutes.  You can expect the first session to last 90 minutes to two hours when you have not had an advance consultation session.  This allows the initial consultation and learning time to become centred and receptive.

When you have had Reiki healing before with another practitioner, your new practitioner will still want to consult with you about what to expect and to make sure that you know what to expect.

This is even more important when you have a face to face session.  Whilst many Reiki healers don’t touch the client, some do.  It is essential for you to know what to expect and to be comfortable with being touched whilst in a highly relaxed state.

Sometimes clients feel warmth or coldness when the treatment is being carried out.  Some clients report that it is as though they were being touched even when they are not.  This can happen even when the practitioner is not touching you and is connected to the energy balancing.

Sometimes there is a lot of stale or negative energy and when that is the case, a prompt follow up appointment is recommended.


The complications of the world and the increase of dark energy mean that it is very important to protect yourself with the light of healing energy.  Regular Reiki sessions work to balance and bring light to you, even when you are not sure if you need it or not.  Indeed, regular Reiki sessions are an excellent mathod to gain extra protection and wellness.

Remember, Reiki is increasingly being used as a complimentary treatment to many with chronic, terminal and serious illnesses in hospitals because it is safe.

As well as distance Reiki sessions, I also offer crystal Reiki healing and provide cleansed and Reiki charged crystals to help you balance your body, mind and surroundings.  Appropriately charged crystals and bracelets are a beautiful way to enhance balance and light in your life.

Book a Session

To book a distance Reiki session, please get in touch with me by the email address on the contact page and I will get back to you as soon as possible.