About Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel

Messages from Chamuel via my wind chimes


Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love, friendship, romance and relationships.  Archangel Chamuel is the archangel who manages angels of love.  When we ask, Chamuel’s team work with us to resolve conflict, achieve peaceful conclusions and enable us to forgive.  Chamuel is all about loving, kindness, attunement and raising vibrations.  He is also one of the archangels who helps us to find things.  Ask Chamuel when you want to find love or for help finding a tangible item that is lost.

Who is Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel is the angel who is all about pure love and high vibration.  Chamuel is increasingly being called upon to help people find the lifestyle they desire, the job they want and more besides as humanity learns more about the law of attraction and manifesting.   These new requests, together with his previous purpose of spreading love, resolving conflict, and helping us to find objects.

You may think that Chamuel has a lovely, easy job, but that is not so because we have free will; he cannot solve all the conflicts on earth.  Archangel Chamuel’s team can only help those who ask for help; even then, we have free will.  Chamuel’s team constantly sends pure unconditional love to people, but it often goes uncollected.  Because their role is to support us, they cannot force the wonderful, healing love onto any of us.  However, they are eager and waiting to help those who ask.  You have to have unconditional faith and be an active participant in your own life and success.

Sitting with archangel Chamuel this afternoon, he also tells me that he is an angel who supports musicians.  Whatever belief systems people have, Chamuel is a protector and bringer of intuition to musicians.  He has helped many struggling musical artists to find their way; he protects, nurtures and inspires musical talent.

When you sit peacefully near a babbling brook or notice beautiful bird song it is an angel from Chamuel’s team who has brought your awareness to the beautiful natural music.  I have several wind chimes, archangel Chamuel is telling me that the most beautifully tuned of them bring me messages from heaven, from Chamuel.  All I have to do is listen and enjoy with a full open heart.

Chamuel is also known as Camiel, Samael and Kamael.

Archangel Chamuel Colours

Archangel Chamuel is most often associated with the colour pink.  People also sometimes paint him wearing the colour green or with green accessories or colour schemes.  So, we also associate Chamuel with the peaceful colour green. 

Archangel Chamuel Crystal Association

Rose Quartz is a powerful crystal; Rose Quartz is strongly attuned to Archangel Chamuel.  Rose Quartz is the most powerful of the pink crystals.  He also enjoys an affinity to Strawberry Quartz.  Rose Quartz is an excellent crystal for connecting to your angels.  Chamuel tells me that it is also the perfect choice for musicians.  He says musicians should have Rose Quartz in their home, where they write music and in the recording studio.  He says that Rose Quartz is good for all of us to inspire us to overcome conflict, to increase forgiveness and to help us with relationships, love and romance.

Strawberry Quartz, when correctly cleansed, will help us with understanding.  Chamuel says having Strawberry Quartz in your pocket or in your handbag will give you clarity when you ask for it, help you to avoid or overcome conflict and brings calmness to you when you hold it in your hand.

When to Call Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel is one of the easiest angels to connect with when meditating.  Ask for help with resolution, conflict, relationships and finding something that is lost.  Chamuel is there to help us and will teach willing participants about the unconditional love from God and the angels.

 When you connect with Archangel Chamuel or when one of his angelic team connects with you, you will feel relaxed, happy and calm.  Trust the experience and you will open your heart to the strong, blissful love as your heart is filled with angelic love.  Share the experience by sending love out too.  Sit in mediation and consciously open your heart chakra to the powerful gifts from Archangel Chamuel.