About Claircognizance


Knowing with hazing background

Claircognizance means ‘clear knowing’ and is the ability to instantly know things about someone or a situation.  Claircognizance is a spontaneous knowledge of something or information about something.  Frequently there is no logical or physical explanation.

Knowing Random Facts and Information

The ability of claircognizance is a gift that sometimes gives those like me with the gift random facts and information.  It’s a knowing about something and knowing that it is correct.  This knowing can be something that has not happened yet, something that is happening or something from the past.

Claircognizance is a Highly Misunderstood Metaphysical Gift

Claircognizance is the most misunderstood of the perception gifts.  Often maligned as intuition or confused for clairsentience, claircognizance is best described as a metaphysical input of information directly to the subconscious part of the brain.  It is as though a previous viewing of the Akashic records returns as a spontaneous memory, but I don’t see the information.  I just know it.

The knowing in claircognizance is very different from the other gifts of clairaudience, and clairvoyance.  I am not told or shown the information.  Neither is it the empathetic feeling or physical pain of an injury that happens with clairsentience.  It’s more brutal than that, the information can pop up at any time.  Claircognizance helps me when seeking past life information and was how I learnt to assess people’s auras. 

No Tangible Proof

During university study, it was very difficult when all facts had to be cited as proof.  Just knowing something was so was not a good enough explanation.  I learnt to bite my tongue when I had some facts from the past that I knew were correct and the tutor had a differing opinion or the course materials followed a different path.  I was sometimes given some really useful and interesting or exciting information from the past.  I would then have to spend hours trying to find the information somewhere that I could cite as a source.  Yet my source was the best possible source, from someone who was there.  Sometimes, it is as though I have been given a memory from someone else.

Perception of Places

The claircognizance gifts work really well when visiting new places.  It manifests as a perception of knowledge about the location.  I have visited locations that I know have had certain uses that are either unknown or misunderstood by the general consensus.  This is particularly the case with places used as sacred sites and where bad things happened.  I can enter an historic building and instantly know my way around.


Claircognizance does not work with the rational side of the brain.  However, the information is clearly passed spontaneously to that side of the mind.  It is also not something that I can call upon for personal gain.  I cannot tell you the winning lottery numbers, although sometimes I know them without finding out after the event.  I cannot tell you which horse will win a race or who is going to win the football premiership.

However, claircognizance is a gift that can help me enormously when seeking solutions, working through complex data and when we get lost on a journey.  In fact, that’s a perfect example.

Knowing Where

Frequently, my husband and I find ourselves unable to find a location, we’ve taken a wrong turn, or the instructions were ambiguous or unclear.  I often say something like,’ if we take the next road on the left, we can cut through and get onto the road we need’.  In a state of stress, he will say, ‘you said you don’t know this area.  How would you know that?‘  My reply of ‘I just know’ usually falls flat.  Yet, if I am driving and, despite his objections, take that route, it’s correct we end up where we need to be.  I’ve found many shortcuts and alternative routes by just knowing.  Or when we cannot find somewhere, I’ve taken a turning or pulled up outside a house and it’s been where we are going.  I just know.  Something that happened recently when my husband was driving.  I said, ‘the house is next road on the left and turn right; it’s down there.’  He said, ‘no, it cannot be; it’s on this main road.’  Sure enough, after we’ve turned around and he cannot find the house, I tactfully say, ‘just try that lane I said’ – and sure enough, there it is!

An Ancient Gift Giving Wisdom as Old as Humanity

Sometimes though, the information doesn’t make sense at the time, it can be perplexing, but sooner or later, it makes sense.  It is a deep knowing of the knowledge, a kind of wisdom as ancient as humanity.