Oracle Card Readings and Tarot Card Readings

Oracle Card Readings and Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Cards fanned out

Whether you choose oracle or tarot the cards are a divination tool that provide unique, honest messages when read by guided expert readers.  I am a certified card reader and a very experienced cartomancer of many years.  I connect with your and my guides and angels eager to help you. When used correctly the cards are a tool showing your future based on the energy and path you are currently on.  Frequently, the card reading will throw up ideas and subtle suggestions to help with making decisions.  They empower you with knowledge and guidance.

I have created a selection of different readings.  If you don’t see one that’s a good fit, contact me and I’ll suggest the one to select.  Often, in this situation spirit is strong and I am easily guided to help you.

Whenever possible readings are returned to you within 24 hours.  I guarantee you will have the reading and clarity you seek within 48 hours.

I am honoured to bring you the energy of truth; sometimes the universe offers a different scenario to what you are expecting, but remember you have free will.  Your reading will give you guidance.

Oracle cards are an ancient way to connect with angels and spirit guides.  You should get into the habit of asking for help for decisions and by doing so through me, it is always completely 100% safe. 

Do not hesitate; I am here to help you.