Free Readings 2022

Weekly Card Reading W/C 31st October 2022

3 cards

Deck  The Angel Guide

3 Card Reading

The veil is thin right now, be careful not to attract negative forces.  There is a large feeling of obstacles and blocks, these are largely financial, be careful, pay the necessary bills and take care of spending.  The good thing is that savings are being put in your path.  Offers and money off opportunities to take advantage of.

Now is a time to be honest with yourself.  Be intentional this week regarding your month ahead.  Be super careful and plan.

This is a tricky week and the angels are telling me that they are there offering protection.  That doesn’t give you permission to not be on your game.  Be ready and aware of the thin veil and for things you need protection from.  If you feel worried or vulnerable ask, say a little prayer asking for protection.

Towards the end of the week as we leave Halloween behind, is a great time to lay foundations for the next year.  Think about what you want to achieve, where you want to be and what you want to leave behind.

This week is the perfect time to leave those things behind that are not good for you, a reset, before the portal for the next year opens up.

There is a lot going on this week, you will find the chance to work on your future, how you want your journey to go and act on it.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 24th October 2022

3 card reading

Deck Keepers of the Light

3 card reading

Turning over these 3 cards is a highly positive move this week, each card is filled with positivity.  So let’s get to it:

The Lady Nada card tells me that although there is a financial crisis, you can help yourself by helping others.  When you give your universal balance is set to receive so that you are constantly in balance.  The same is true if you don’t give.  When you don’t give you receive less.  Giving this week by being generous to those in need, giving to charity and being considerate to others repays you with increased success and happiness.

Card 2 represented by Lord Ganesh represents abundance.  You can’t receive when there are obstacles and limitations in your way. Here the card says that abundance can be yours, first you need to overcome inner conflicts which are creating obstacles or barriers.  How you do so is dependent on your individual faith and exact circumstances.  That said, think about what is holding you back and creating the barriers.  Daydream or meditate and reflect on the answers that come to you.  The universe wants you to succeed, but you can’t move forward when there are obstacles in the way.

The final card of the week continues the positivity, there is something hugely positive happening globally that is beyond your control this week.  This is despite all the negativity, confusion and problems that many are experiencing.  Something big is how it should be and is positive in the long run.

Move beyond fear and banish negativity, especially self hijacking negative thoughts and find positivity.  Miracles are normal, they occur more than you realise.  You just have to believe and have faith and above all, remove barriers that stop you receiving the good that you crave.

The angels are asking us all to be kinder, friendlier, happier and more generous to each other.  They say that when we open up to love and kindness, angels dance for joy and great things happen at a personal and wider level.

Be kind, be considerate, expect miracles when you know you’ve done your homework to remove obstacles and practice kindness and consideration.  Give it a try.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 17th October 2022

5 card reading

Deck Angel Tarot Cards Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

5 card reading

A resolution has just happened or is about to happen.  The outcome is a surprise and filled with positivity for the future.  However, there is not time to relax!  Remain calm and collected as you wade through the challenges that come your way this week.  However satisfying it may feel there is still work to be done and action you need to take.  Be kind, considerate and thoughtful regarding your actions and how they impact on the lives of others.

Don’t lose sight of all the things you have achieved recently, when you are feeling as though something is missing or you’ve missed an important aspect of something, turn to your inner guidance, meditate, think, dream and the answers will come to you as though on angel wings.

You are in a place of actively moving forward at the moment, however the caveat is not to drive things forward and not to allow delays, setbacks or unexpected stalling to effect you.  The situations in your life will unfold as they should be as long as you hold courage, although you do have to take action, do all things in a thought and measured way this week, no acting on impulse.

Wrapped around all of this is the requirement for you to take ownership of your actions.  This may be something you have done in the past, good or bad.  Accept that you are responsible in order to activate the good things that can be yours.

All in all its a week of being thoughtful, there are successes and a strong positive message.  But these are balanced with past mistakes that you must acknowledge and learn from to access the best that the universe has to offer you.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 10th October 2022

4 moon themed cards

Deck  Moonology

As I am doing this reading on the Full Moon, known as a hunters moon, I am using the Moonology deck for this reading

4 card reading

The shift that we have been talking about the past few weeks is now here. We are in a place of storms and upheaval.  It feels as though challenges face us at every turn.  However, despite what is happening you will feel energised to explore, to have fun this week.  Don’t deny yourself the opportunity should it arise.  The warning here though is that the upheaval has brought out the worst in a lot of people, they don’t resonate on the same level as many of us and have no conscience to creating scams and mistreating others.  Be mindful of scams this whole month, some will look genuine, be careful and practice due diligence in all things.

The second card is the nothing will come of this situation card.  What I am getting is that nothing good will come of a situation if it is pushed.  During the coming week don’t be tempted to push anything through, the timing would be completely wrong to do so.

Gather your thoughts, be mindful and thoughtful towards the feelings of others.  As the third card says communication is key.  The new moon signifies a new cycle regarding what is bothering you.  Talk, write, text however you do it, communication is essential for the greater good of all concerned.

There are some reading this, thinking eh?!  If the need to communicate doesn’t resonate with you, then the alternative I am seeing is to read books that uplift you, teach you or regarding self love and self care.  The reason for this is that you have been neglecting yourself and the best way for you to manage the coming week is to find any opportunity for self indulgence in a way that serves your mind.

Employment comes up at position 4.  There are opportunities and changes abounding regarding work.  It could be that its time to change jobs if you feel as though you have outgrown your current job or are unhappy.  Sometimes, there is the chance to negotiate and improve your terms in your current role, But the strong thing here is of changing, this may be changing a job, a role, or a complete career change.  Now is a good time to start planning and learning about new horizons in the future.

When you are not working then the message is that you have the opportunity this week to set something in motion that you have been thinking about.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 3rd October 2022

3 card reading: Joy and Contentment, Compassion, Inner child healing

Deck  Angel Guide Oracle

3 card reading

The joy and contentment card comes to tell you that when you have choices, choose the route that brings you joy.  There are changes and twists and turns right now as the shift occurs.  However, the opportunity is there for you to find what brings you joy and positivity.

If you are reading this at a time that you feel down, emotionally drained or uncertain.  Things are getting better, positivity is there for the taking.

However, despite the positivity that most of us are fortunate to have at the moment, some of you are facing conflict.  This message is for you:  Find a way to leave the fight, the situation is draining you and not doing you any good in the short or long term.  Being negative, holding negative narrative or thoughts about other people is inflicting depths of negativity on yourself as well as the others concerned. 

I get a strong feeling that this is a work situation – and I’m getting the message that some of this is also connected to the global situation. The natural change that is happening could be overrun by man-made global actions that negatively impact a lot of us.  So, what should we do?  Don’t hold these actions in your heart.  Find joy when and where you can, be kind and considerate to others – choose compassion and kindness.

Angel Peter is telling me that we must consider animals as well as people.  Many are suffering due to the actions of man.  We have the power from our actions to help by our actions – donate to animal charities and find joy from doing so.

If you are in a conflict situation, choose to let go of anger, feelings of unjust or persecution.  By forgiving, you release your own power to find joy, to overcome the conflict and move on.  You owe it to yourself and your own wellbeing and that of those close to you to do so.  Wear something green to help you find the strength that you do have inside to do this.

Card three compounds the above message.  Ask your guardian angel to support you as you show maturity and shake of the negativity in your life.  It may help you to find positivity by seeing beauty with a child like wonder.  Nurture your inner child, be kind and gentle to yourself.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 26th September 2022

3 card reading

Deck Keepers of the Light

3 card reading

The week starts with a lot of unrest and doubt.  We are moving into a time of a shift and it is easy to feel as though everything is “wrong”.  Be prepared for the challenges that you can prepare for.  Financial, weather, your own space.  Be mindful of budgets, saving, don’t overspend.  When the weather is unsettled be ready for the eventualities. Take care of your own space.  Don’t let the doubt be self-doubt, because you are stronger than you think and you can do it and you can survive.  Nurture yourself and seek ways that support you.  Don’t let yourself be dragged down, keep your vibration strong.

There is a chance of romance or proposals mid week.  These could come in surprising ways and from surprising angles.  Receive all kindness and offers gracefully as it is all well meant.  When you are invited to work with someone else, a partnership, help with their idea, chances are it is not right for you.  Give your reply gently and gracefully. Take care around negotiations, there are things you don’t know, try and carry over until next week, communications are not flowing this week and you’ll learn more next week.

For some of you now is a good time to embrace your dream of writing a book.  Especially, when your book is a romance, the time is right for starting it or picking it up and restarting it.

There is an under riding sense of doom and gloom, whatever happens do your best to stay positive in challenging times.  By the end of the week changes are occurring that may seem very negative.  Find the positive and remember that you are supported.  Be positive, keep your energy positive and remember that what you see as miracles are normal and can happen for you if you have faith.  Guidance for your life purpose and inspiration is strong, think about ideas to help you financially and spiritually.  But, consider all opportunities carefully, the unbalanced financial situation brings out more scams and chancers.  Consider everything carefully.  When you are intuitive, use that to support your decisions. Support yourself with conscious choices towards health.  

Stay strong and have faith this week.  Your positivity and strength can be a guiding light, a beacon for others.  Use your faith, strength and positivity to help others and show the way.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 19th September 2022

3 card reading Keepers of the Light

Deck Keepers of the Light

3 card reading

The start of the week is a time of action.  It may be that those of you in the UK take the time to reflect on Monday that is a state holiday for the funeral of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II.

There is a strong feeling of the need to get moving, moving on, moving out, moving up.  Not so much moving house, although inevitably some will be doing so.  It’s more moving things along, taking control and being strong.

By the middle of the week there is cause of celebration for many of you, this may be a new job, promotion or other good news that you feel is well needed right now.  There is also a message of valuing yourself, don’t let yourself be put down or bullied, this links in with the moving on at the start of the week, walk away from anyone who does not support you in a positive way.  You are better than to accept bulling or controlling behaviour.  Value yourself, value your worth and take some time to celebrate yourself, take some time to do what you want to be doing, acts of self love.

There is also a feeling from the third card which in this reading represents the end of the week of the need to move on from those (people and situations) that don’t serve you.  Take care of yourself and those who deserve it or who cannot help themselves.  Put your energy into positive acts of love and support.  Be kind and expect others to be kind to you.

All in all it is a whole week of not taking any Sh!t, doing what is right for your own higher good and to raise or maintain your vibration as high as possible.  Take time for self love and show love, compassion and generosity to others.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 12th September 2022

3 archangel cards

Deck Angel Tarot Cards

3 card reading

Well, you couldn’t make it up.  As if proof were needed that the angels hear us and want to help us, today’s reading would be it.

As I do this reading for the week ahead many of us in the UK and in the Commonwealth are grieving for our Queen, Queen Elizabeth II.  There will be some of us who are surprised by the depth of our grief, yet it is not surprising, having being our monarch for 70 years she was a constant in our lives.  Her grace, dignity and genuine commitment to always do her best were and remain an inspiration to us all.

I am writing this on 11th September as we know it in my country or September 11th in the USA.  Today is the anniversary of 9/11.

I asked for Archangel cards to come to help us this week.

Archangel Jophiel in particular inspires us and helps us to find positivity through negative times.  This week the archangel Jophiel car comes to tell us that we have the strength to move on from a situation or person that no longer serves us.  Whatever challenges you face there is positivity coming this week.  If you need help to be positive, call on archangel Jophiel for strength and positivity.

Archangel Raziel comes to say that there are opportunities this week, they may be job opportunities, job offers or the chance to bring in some extra money or abundance of something you seek.  There is a lot of positivity and opportunity to those who open their hearts and eyes to what is available.

Raziel brings creativity and inspiration where it is needed.  If you feel stuck Raziel can help you.

Archangel Azrael is the archangel associated with helping us to overcome grief.  Azrael also helps us through transitions and times of change.  Archangel Azrael is very busy right now.  However, there is time and room for everyone who needs his help and guidance.  If you need help with grief, close your eyes and take a few breathes as you ask Azrael to help you to find strength and to overcome grief that is overwhelming you.  Ask Azrael for guidance through transitions and faith to overcome stressful and difficult situations.




Weekly Card Reading W/C 5th September 2022

Pink rose and 3 cards

Deck  Keepers of the Light

3 card reading

This week is a strong week for manifestations and moving projects forward.  So be mindful of your thoughts.  If you don’t feel strong intuition, don’t feel as though your receiving, close your eyes, take a few breaths and ask for answers to your questions, then sit and be receptive.  The first card Lady Nada Heart Awakening says that when your chakras are out of balance you are less receptive and more open to ailments and disease.  Do something at the start of the week to strengthen your chakras and in particular your heart chakra.

When you are with other people who are negative it can be difficult to remain positive yourself.  Being positive is key this week to the success of the rest of the month.  When you realise that you are with toxic people, the woe is me’s, the cruel gossips, you need to steer clear, apologise and move on or leave.  If you find yourself stuck with negative people who you can’t leave, maybe family members or work colleagues, find a way to distance yourself and call on Archangel Michael to shield you from negativity and help you to remain positive.

When you can keep your energy, vibrations high, wonderful things can happen.  This week is a strong week and miracles are going to occur.  Remember to ask for help, to be receptive and listen.  Expect positivity and expect miracles.

The 3 cards work together to say balance your heart chakra, banish thoughts and negativity, it does not serve you, ask for help to allow miracles to happen.  There is a strong feeling of positivity and purpose, but it can only be actioned if you remove negativity and have a mindset of positivity.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 29th August 2022

3 cards

Deck Angel Guide Oracle

3 card reading


Take time this week to weigh up situations, pros and cons before acting.  This is important, it is not a week to act on impulse.  Your future lies in your hands and how you choose to behave.  The message actually says that there are literally outcomes up in the air and how you treat others will depend on your outcome.  Be kind.

When you feel undervalued and unappreciated, you are at risk of feeding more of the same.  Just as positivity brings more positivity, so negativity and low feelings bring more of the same.  You have the chance this week to experience divine help and guidance.  But for many there is an important lesson to be learnt first.  Learn, lean in and experience the power of divine help and love.

As you experience the loving guidance it will lead you into wonderful opportunities.  Remember angels want to help you, but you have to ask. The final card is about opportunity and changes, these can’t come if you are resisting or in a negative spiral.  When you find ways to be positive, loving, kind and present in your own life, then wonderful opportunities will present themselves to you.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 22nd August 2022

3 card reading with 4 cards

Deck Sacred Destiny

3 card reading

This is a three card reading, but two cards insisted on coming together for the second card.

The first card is the solitude card and I feel deep sadness when I first look at this card today.  There are some readers who are feeling lonely.  The lock downs have disjointed a lot of people and many of you are still feeling lonely as a consequence.  If this is you, be the one who makes an effort, pick up the phone, invite someone for coffee or start to talk to someone in the park.  However, having said that to you, the mood has now changed to one of positivity around the card.  So, while some of you will be feeling lonely, still, others will benefit from some time in solitude this week – its not so much solitude that you require, but time to nurture yourself.  Archangel Jophiel says it is important to rest this week, don’t go full on the whole week, take some time out doing something that helps you to relax.  She also says to take care of your health.  Some people have niggling health concerns, make that appointment this week and get it checked out.  There is also a feeling of a larger health related scare coming up.  This is probably nothing at all for most of us to worry about.  Jophiel says to take the healthy options, don’t let the media drag your mood down.  Make sure you get enough sleep and don’t worry about things that are outside of your control.

Cards 2 Community and Trust  The community card reiterates the need for reaching out to someone, don’t hesitate, get in touch.  The message is not only for someone feeling lonely, if there is someone who comes to mind that you have not been in touch with for a while, please make sure you contact them this week.  Meanwhile, Trust comes to tell you to trust your intuition this week.  Meditate, listen and trust what you learn, you are being helped and guided.

Card 3 Transformation.  When you take note of the previous three cards and follow the guidance provided you are ready to move forward.  There is a massive opportunity for change this week.  Take notice, listen, feel, trust.  For some its an opportunity for massive change – a complete change of direction.  Remember that your mind, body and spirit are entwined, nurture your whole being.

Above all this week, take time to rest, if you feel the need spend time alone, in all cases, make sure you rest, play, sleep.  For people feeling lonely, reach out.  Meditate, the thread to be helped and supported this week is strong.  Take notice of the first three cards and everything will work out. There is a very positive and happy feeling at the end of this reading, celebration, dreams coming true, success.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 15th August 2022

3 cards and vase of sweet peas

Deck  Keepers of the Light

3 card reading

Our first card today is the Shekinah.  She comes to say that the feelings you are experiencing of being disjointed as though something is off at the start of the week is to be expected.  The start of the week is a testing time for many people.  Your faith will be tested.  Trust and focus on faith, you will find the answer.  You may also be experiencing concerns around money, an unexpected bill or something that was forgotten.  Here too you should have faith, trust and follow your intuition and instincts and ask for barriers to be put in place for anything that is not the right way.

El Morya says that when you are not already awakened to the power of spiritual connection, that you will find stirrings of awakening this week.  Call on El Morya to keep your faith steady and to help you transcribe the information that you are learning for your highest good.  There are people who no longer serve your highest good.  Don’t be drawn into arguments and judgements.  Your focus this week should be on retaining your sense of self, doing what is right for yourself and to ride out the dimensional shift that is happening during the next two weeks.  Don’t let other people lower your self worth or your vibration.

El Morya’s message is reiterated with the Mother Mary card.  Be the peace keeper, not the antagonist, by the peace finder not the war bringer.  Its important this week to control your own emotions and reactions.  You can’t control those around you, but you can control how you react.  You don’t need to always be right, you don’t need to prove the moral high ground.  You and the creator know what is right and what is not.

By being your highest self you will bring love and peace to those around you.

Make healthy choices in all things and remember you can call on your guardian Angel for help at any time.  If you don’t ask, angels cannot help.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 8th August 2022

3 card reading

Deck Angel Wisdom Tarot

3 card reading

Archangel Jophiel comes to say that you will celebrate and enjoy success this week.  A project that you have been working on for a long time has finally come to fruition. For some readers the week brings increased contentment as you are more spiritually aware, maybe its an epiphany, a light bulb moment or just the joy of sharing something unique with the creator.

Then week brings new starts, new beginnings and the positivity continues as things move forward apace. 

Travel features for some and you find the way to make everything run smoothly.   

Enjoy your successes and enjoy moving forward.  Some will feel reflective around Thursday and Friday and there are tearful reunions for some.  Don’t be afraid to be a little self-indulgent as you remember good past times focused around the sea.  While it is not always good to look back or spend too much time remembering the past, there are valuable lessons to be learnt from our past mistakes.  Archangel Jophiel also says it is okay to look back fondly and remember past friendships and fun times.

There are also financial challenges for some.  Remember to embrace what you do have and don’t dwell on any lack.  It may be the case that you have to wok out exactly what you need and put of the wants until cash flow has sorted itself out.  Don’t spend money before you have it, the overtime might not be paid, the item you have sold might not be paid for, be cautious until you have the finances.

It is a week of positivity, moving forward and reflection!

Weekly Card Reading W/C 1st August 2022

Happiness Love New Beginnings

Deck Sacred Destiny

3 card reading

There is a lot of positive energy around as we start August and a strong feeling of a significant shift.  Embrace joy and happiness, be joyful and share good will with other people.  When you are the beacon of light for others good things come to you and right now is a time when everything is lined up for that to happen.  Aim high, share joy.

The love card is our second card and the initial feelings it brought me were love, romance and a feeling of longevity.  This was soon replaced with a feeling of loss, emotional pain and nostalgia.  Of course a natural course of life is death, its inevitable.  So there are bound to be readers of this weeks reading who have lost loved ones.  Now the nostalgia element is coming through strong.  Remember lost loved ones fondly, focus on the good times.  It’s OK to look back and spend some time remembering, its a natural part of grief.  At some point this week though you are going to be caught of balance by a memory that overwhelms you.   It is an emotional time.

In fact some readers will need to remember and spend some time in nostalgia to move onto new beginnings.  With a general reading it is not always possible to have a message that is totally inclusive, but the message here is that it is necessary to grieve and remember to embrace and enjoy new beginnings.  The world is out there waiting for you, embrace new opportunists, you have nothing to feel guilty about.

Opportunities arise mid week, but don’t rush into anything without exploration and due diligence.  Carefully planning, patience, waiting and remaining joyful are all necessary aspects of the week ahead.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 25th July 2022

3 card Angel Tarot reading

Deck Angel Wisdom Tarot

3 card reading

As we approach August, you feel as though the year is rushing away and you still have so much to do!  Don’t let that stop you from taking some time out to travel.  Travel and holiday is a very strong element at the start of this reading.  It’s not necessarily that the travel is this week, more that you are or should take some time to travel and explore in the remainder of this year.

The main message of the second card is for the perfectionists and especially work-related perfectionists out there.  So much of your energy goes into your working life that your private life suffers as a result.  Time spent procrastinating and failing to start or complete projects at work is taking time away from your family.  This situation needs to put right this week.  Your kids in particular are in need of your emotional presence and not judgement or barriers.

Please take some time to slow down, breathe and listen to your family.  If you don’t have children, it may be that other children in your family need your input in some way this week. Let your loved ones know that you love them, that they are loved.  Give them the support that they need.  Many people are feeling hurt and undervalued, take care of yourself and make sure that you help those around you.

For everyone, this is a week when you should help others, there is a need to support someone, it may be a charity, an individual, even someone who you don’t even know yet.  The message is that this locally, not a global situation or charity.

There is a shift coming at the end of the week into the start of next.

When you find the strategies to balance your work-life balance or emotional aspects of your life doors open for you.  By the end of the week there will be an opportunity to remove some barriers and doing so will bring incredible results.

Emotions are featuring this week.  If you feel confused or uncertain you must find your own voice, your personal vibe to create the best results for all concerned. You can do this and by doing so you will reap the rewards.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 18th July 2022

4 cards this weeks reading

Deck  Sacred Destiny Denise Linn

4 card spread

Today, I was drawn to this lovely deck from Denise Linn and was led to a 4 directions reading using 4 cards:

Card 1 Delight is the East Card that represents new beginnings.

There are some readers who can’t see the way ahead, the future is murky and untouchable.  The message to you is to bring your focus closer, don’t try and reach the unsumountable, instead concentrate on a closer goal. 

If the above doesn’t resonate with you then the alternative message from this card today is to think about how the birds and wild animals live.  They are not striving for the future, instead they are living each day at a time.  Imagine that you are the bird in the picture and that you fly high in the sky cherishing the things you have, the next you have built, the bird feeders you have found and the water in a kind persons garden.  However much we think otherwise, we do need each other, just as the bird has the freedom to fly at times they rely on people for food and water.  Balance your hunger for freedom with the cooperation you need to successfully enjoy your life.

Card 2 Solitude is the South Card that reveals places for expansion and growth.

The message continues, solitude is a wonderful tool and spending time in nature is a wonderful way to heal and reset.  Get your headspace balanced with a desire for complete solitude, privacy with you and a significant other and the requirement to grow a business or to find opportunities that will enable regular solitude and privacy.

Card 3 Trust is the West Card related to that which you need to release or clear.

Solitude gives you the opportunity to meditate.  Mediation brings messages and ideas.  Trust an idea that comes to you during mediation this week.  Trust and grow the plan that forms.  Your advisors are eagerly waiting to help you and they will come to you as you meditate with information that is perfectly aligned to what you need to know this week and for many will steer you to what you need to let go.

Card 4 Community is the North Card which is connected to healing and consolidation.

The community card reiterates the messages of the first 3 cards.  Support is available to you, you may not even realise that you want it, but trust that you will need support to move forward.  Allow yourself to be supported to reap the rewards that are being sent to you and to benefit from the rich harvest that is coming in now.

For some readers this card comes to tell you that it is the perfect time to find your tribe, follow your intuition and join a club, revisit someone, a club or similar that you have felt drawn to.  There is community available to help you.

However, the message has also come through to not sign any documents at the start of the week.  Don’t agree or sign up to anything without having it checked and reading the small print.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 11th July 2022

3 cards weekly reading

Deck  Keepers of the Light Kyle Gray

3 card reading

Something is puzzling you, it may be confusion regarding global events, national happenings or closer to home.  The thing with a general reading for everyone is that I can see several possible scenarios and areas of sadness and confusion.

The Kuthumi card though tells me that you have the answer yourself, you may just need to dig deep and trust your knowledge and intuition.  If you are a lightworker reading this then trust your feelings about your own future, there is a deep seated wisdom for you to call on.

Things are moving apace.  There is something that you desire, remember to not come from a place of desperation, but one of acceptance and expectation.  Miracles are more common than many people think and occur frequently.  Your career, desired path or home move could be closer than you think.  If you’ve thought it will take a miracle, take heart, a miracle is on the way for many people this week.

It is clear that Archangel Michael says trust.  You have done your homework, put into place what you can.  Now trust and the outcome will be what is best for all concerned.

If you feel challenged or as though challenges are too much, call on Archangel Michael to give you guidance through the perceived maze of confusion.  Ask Michael to give you clarity and to show you the relevant aspects so that the clutter falls away.  If this reverberates with you, doing so will leave you focussed and with a sense of freedom.

Always be prepared to connect with heaven, to ask and to seek.  Trust, have faith.


There is a lot of searching, seeking confusion and even frustration in this weeks reading, but have faith, take the information from this reading with you to help you gain clarity, support and trust.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 4th July 2022

5 card readingAngel Tarot Cards

Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

5 card reading

There is a need to play your cards close to your chest at the start of this week.  Something has not or is not going to plan.  Take the time to weigh up others motives or the pros and cons of a situation before you decide which way to jump.  Someone is not being completely truthful and that is most likely due to them having their own alternative agenda.  Be cautious when making decisions that involve other people.

There is an air of sadness, you may know immediately what this refers to or you may not yet know what this is about.  If you know already, learn from what has happened and work at moving on.  If you are not aware about the sadness, remember this is a general reading of the energy in the coming week and different people experience the energy in different ways.  If there is something that makes you said and you think “ah, yes, that was in the reading”, when it is something that you cannot change, acceptance is a powerful healer.

By mid week you may find yourself being drawn into someone else’s concerns about a situation.  Try and remain neutral as you support others through a minefield of emotions and difficulties.  Worrying about the situation will only lower your vibration and bring you down when it did not need to.

Feelings of being trapped and helpless are false feelings.  You have nothing to worry about.  Give up your fears to Archangel Jophiel and ask for freedom of choice.

Next weekend sees a time of fun!  However, to achieve your dreams and desires you must put the work in.  Have faith, ask and trust.  There is a new energy at this time and it can lead to exciting and fulfilling times ahead as long as you keep the faith.

It’s a busy week of ups and downs for many of us.  The best news is that there is no need to worry and by asking and having faith and trust you can realise your desires.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 27th June 2022

5 card reading

Deck Angel Guide Oracle Kyle Gray

5 card reading

The first half of the week is challenging for many.  The energy is heavy, but there is a lot happening, a lot of potential too.

For many light workers there will be a shift, a miracle on a small scale that supports you or brings you positivity.  Don’t be afraid to speak your truth, it will help in the long run or to do with the bigger picture.  There is a sensitivity around the early part of the week, however, the support is strong if you ask for it and look out for it.

The energy around the week is heavy, tiring.

You can lift your own energy and not get bogged down by the general energy around at the moment.

Energy healing comes to the fore at the early, mid part of the week.  If you are a healer, you can move forward with plans for healing.  If you are thinking of booking healing, then do so mid week, book some Reiki or therapy and it will help you. 

Creativity will help you towards the end of the week.  It may be a solution to finances, to your path or from the healing.  By having healing therapy you will be ready to accept the gifts that are available for you.

Embrace the joy that the solution brings.  For some the solution is making a decision and you feel a lot lighter once the decision is made and acted upon.

In your personal life there is a separation, change something big that is speaking your truth and cutting the chords.  Doing so will lighten your load and enable you to move on.

Take some time, allow some time for yourself and chill.



Weekly Card Reading W/C 20th June 2022

3 cards from Sacred Forest Deck

Deck  The Sacred Forest from Denis Linn

3 card reading

Mystic Meadow is a card that shows the impossible is possible.  What it tells me today is that this is time to take care of you.  This card comes today as a reminder to take care of yourself, to find self love, to honour yourself.  You are worthy.  A lack of self-worth blocks the universal energy, blockages will frequently manifest as physical aches and pains or real ailments.

There is something blocking you as we move into the week and only you have the power to unblock it and change the dark energy to light and to give you the chance to soar. Sit for a moment and think of the ways that you can help yourself, practice self love activities, indulge in a hobby or activity you love.  Give yourself a gentle yoga session or foot massage.  It’s important this week to banish the blocks to move forward.  For some this means facing a fear, be bold, you can overcome your fears and your nightmares can become dreams.

The need for self-love and self-worth is reiterated by card 2 – the healing card in this reading.  The Wild Rose Fairy is a reminder that you are loved and cherished.  You may feel hurt and bruised right now, but by removing those blockages and trusting in your own self-worth you can embrace the love and light.

When you have removed the blockages you can really make a difference in your life and the lives of others.  Feel joyful, feel free, find your happy place and depend on you.  The Hummingbird card says be joyful, share joy, your happiness will be infectious and will not only help you, it will help others too.  A wider message is to be present when you are in a garden, park or place of nature, be open, see the wonder around you and have an open and joyful heart to fully experience all that the following week has to offer.

The sooner you practice self love and honour yourself the sooner you can start to feel better, to feel the love and joy that comes from you and too you.

Have a blessed, joyful week

Weekly Card Reading W/C 13th June 2022

Moonology Deck

Deck  Moonology

3 card reading

This week spend more time outdoors, it may even be necessary to do things that ground you to help you balance and reset  There are changes coming over coming months – time to save what you can, stockpile some food and supplies.  Buy what you can when on offer.  Plan for the coming challenges.

Pay attention to whats important to you: Family, pets, building a business, health.

There are a lot of things going on in the coming weeks.  Stay on track, be positive, be aware.

There is a strong vibe of moving forward.  Choose to go in a direction that is the best direction for you.  It may be change of job, change of hours, change of shift patterns.  But things are changing and this message means that you can choose the direction that works the best for you. Be positive, don’t let others drag you down.  There is a likelihood mid week go be giving to much to do and feel pulled in different directions. This could be personal or work, but you should not have to fix it for someone else. Don’t let someone else force you into covering extra because they have failed somewhere.

Release frustration around health, this may be your own health or that of someone close, but get focused on health, follow up regarding appointments, results and self care.

At the end of this week or even the start of next. You will have the opportunity to decide regarding changes and should follow through to strengthen the change. 

You could feel overwhelmed, exhausted by giving in to the demands of others, the advice is don’t do it.  Keep your focus on what you have to do for the sake of your own health.

There is a likelihood of a fun activity towards the end of the week, either an outing with a friend, a date or some type of fun.

There is a shift of the end of something tough and of new beginning right now – beyond this week. It may not always be easy. You are tough you can do it.  Remember to take time out for yourself.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 6th June 2022

6 card reading

Deck Keepers of the Light Kyle Gray

Six card reading

It is necessary this week to keep channels of communication open.  In some cases this is an opportunity to speak your truth and you will feel better after doing so.  Make sure that you leave the channels open for the future.

We take experience with us as we get older.  Sometimes we forget how important that information is, that life is a journey and the things we learn along the way matter.  That does not mean that as you get older you should stop striving to learn.  There are opportunities open to you at any age.

The Myriam card tells us that forgiveness is key regarding a situation from the past.  Only when you completely forgive can you move on.  It is sensible to take the time to find forgiveness this week.  It is something that will not only make a difference to others, it will also help you far more than you realise.

Towards the end of the week an opportunity will arise that you were not expecting.  It is something that calls on your unique gifts, it is your decision if you accept it or not.  However, Paul says whatever you decide do so with kindness and stick to your decision.

Towards the end of the week you will feel restless.  This is because it is time to shake something off that is no longer serving you.  Pray or meditate and ask for guidance as your spirituality increases.  Respond to intuition that leads you forward.

The White Eagle card is here to tell you that an ancestor is proud of you and wants to let you know.  They are supporting you through the necessary conversations, forgiveness and changes that are due to occur this week. 

Look for the signs that a loved one is near, they want to help you and say that you should not feel confused or concerned.  Instead, allow and rejoice in the cleansing aspects of speaking your truth and moving forward.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 30th May 2022

4 cards in a row

Deck Keepers of the Light from Kyle Gray

 Three card reading with a bonus card.

The first two cards came together and tell me that there is a lot of positive energy around at the moment and as we go forward into next week.  Take heart and make sure you are open to goodness and positivity for it to enter your life in massive, beautiful ways. There is divine intervention in some areas and Angels are helping us.  You may notice if you look for the signs during the first half of the week.

Paul the Venetian also says to enjoy and embrace your creativity.  If you are thinking about a change of direction into the arts or a creative path of any type, now is the time to make the leap.  We are entering a time of opportunities of abundance.  There is the opportunity of powerful abundance of opportunities coming your way.  However, you have to embrace the positivity to achieve the opportunity of abundance.

Mercury comes to say that those who are attending health appointments should make sure that they explain about all their symptoms and concerns.  Things may not be as bad as you think, but you have to get it out in the open so that you can be helped.  Don’t be embarrassed, they really will have heard it all before and there is no such thing as a silly question or worry. 

By the end of the week,  and for many it is a hectic one.  There is a heaviness for many readers.  Don’t be afraid to forgive yourself, to offer forgiveness to others and to actively send out the message to the universe that you need some help right now.  Your guardian angel will help you, but you have to ask.

Some will be grieving, accept it as a necessary part of loving and remember that you would never have been without that loving experience.  Don’t be afraid, there is light around you, turn your face upwards and feel the warmth of love coming to you.

This week is a mixed one.  Highly positive and optimistic at the start is balanced by a heaviness of grief at the end.  Take note to be communicative, especially regarding health matters.  However, the overall vibe is one of positivity, love, happiness and success.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 23rd May 2022

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

Deck Angel Tarot Cards Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

The first card is the Two of Water and what it is telling us is there is strength in a relationship that is pulling closer.  For many of you this may be a romantic relationship,  but for some its a close friendship a work relationship that sort of thing.  However within this relationship there is a fear of being trapped or there has been a misunderstanding. So, you need to get together and talk about your feelings of being trapped or to ask about clarity around a misunderstanding. 

Along the line, of hey (name) can you tell me…. when we spoke a week ago you said …. and I think you meant …. please can you tell me what you meant, is this what you really mean?

The second card is Archangel Jophiel.  This is interesting, this is the ego card, it tells me that the feelings of entrapment are false, they are not real.  It is also saying that there was a time in your past that you felt trapped or compromised, possibly you felt played or manipulated.  This is not the case with the new relationship, the new relationship is a kind relationship.  

The third card is The Chariot, Archangel Metatron, I love the artistry of this card it is one of my favourites.  This is telling me that by midweek, something is going to change.  You need to focus and you may need to reset your focus in order to achieve the results that you are seeking.  Again, I am drawn to a past situation, but this time it is something you can draw on.  You can draw on something from your past to help you achieve what it is that you want to be achieving.  This is for many people,  it maybe a small thing in your personal life, it maybe to do with work, social, family, different things for different people.  It may be something that you achieve next week or for some in about three months.

Card 4 is the Knight of Air

The Knight of Air is saying think about it with the last card, think about them as being connected.  So the thing to achieve, the thing you are looking back on are entirely necessary to move forward, however when things start to fall into place, it will happen very quick, you may get a feeling that things are out of control.  Moving at a fast pace. That is right, if it feels like its kind of running away with you, you have done something to trigger this.  That is all good, this is good, there is a lot of goodness and light coming as I look at this card.

Card 5 is the Five of Fire, what it is telling me is that instead of being some conflict that there is going to be a time conflict, you are going to have to work out how to use your time efficiently right now.  You are going to feel as though things are really hurrying on and that you feel overwhelmed by it.  I have a little otter coming in and telling me, he’s telling me that its great to be busy, but at times, you just have to go with the flow, let whats happening carry you down stream, let yourself go with what happens.

Card 6 is Two of Earth, it is an incredibly beautiful card, what it is showing me is the detail.  Thursday, Friday you need to be all over the detail of something.  This is to do with buying a house, signing up for something, life insurance….. read the small print, ask questions, ask about anything that bothers you.  Don’t forget there is no such thing as a silly question, ask, check the details,  ASK what you want to know.  But along with that once you have got past the conflict of your time you are going to think about how you are going to think about how to use your time going forward.  By the weekend there will be time to relax,  but what it is telling me is that you won’t want to, the energy levels are so high you will feel pumped up, the energy will feed more energy and you will have a social enjoyable weekend.           

Next card is Eight of Fire.  This actually reiterates things moving at a fast pace.  Delays ending and many things happening at once.  So what this card is showing us is that throughout the week, things are going to move fast, what this card is telling me is that some of the things happening, by the end of the week, you are no longer the one in charge, you are no longer in charge of how you are going to use your energy.   Someone else will have a call on your energy, just go with it.  Go with the flow.  There is going to be an element of something that will disrupt your own plans and you will feel put upon.  Go with it it will work out in the long run.

Next card is the eight of water is telling me, come Friday you will wish that something is all over!  You will want to get it done and move beyond Friday and enjoy your weekend.  Again this backs up that you are going to have fun at the weekend and by Friday you will be can’t wait to get there and have fun.

From the eight of water, card nine is the seven of water and this is interesting, this is a well used, well shuffled pack and I didn’t draw the cards from the top, I draw them as they are shown to me.

This card is saying don’t worry.  There is something coming up this year, probably not next week, in fact its saying not next week, something that you have been planning for and are worrying about.  Don’t worry,  get on with next week, get on with the following week, get on with things.  You’ve done your prep for what you are worrying about.  So turn up, be honest, although you may also need to be diplomatic.

The final card is The Hermit.  I like getting the hermit,  it is a card that aligns with my own life spending time alone consulting with the angels, healing and so on.  The card today is telling me that its important for you to find time alone, find time to do something connected to self discovery,  spend some time alone.  After the hectic weekend you need to get some time alone, spend time in mediation, anything to do with self love.

Extra Message

Hayfever.  Archangel Raziel is telling me that there is someone out there with something important to do and you are worrying about hayfever ruining it for you.  It may be exams, it may be work, it may be a presentation, anything. You need to seriously find a natural way.  Drugs aren’t working for you they are either making you feel drowsy or they are upsetting endocrine system or trigger an autoimmune response or something else to do with your health.   You need to find more natural support for your hayfever.  I’m being shown mint and thyme growing and this leads me to those Swiss herbal sweets.  Use them to help to manage your symptoms, use some with mint, honey, thyme and other herbs.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 16th May 2022

3 cards

Deck Angel Wisdom Tarot Radleigh Valentine

There is an air of exuberance, celebration and joy at the start of the week.  Yet for some there is still the moping up of the challenges from last week.  Some challenges are still ongoing.  For the best possible outcome make sure that you find ways to lighten the mood, celebrate small wins and cherish the big ones.  Yet by the middle of the week the challenges will be solved, resolved or at least feel achievable.   

Love is in the air!  Be patient and loving to a partner or loved one.  Don’t give up on relationships, they are worth working at.  Infusing love and understanding will help with overcoming misunderstandings and disappointments.

By the end of the week and into next weekend there is a strong energy of misunderstanding.  Help yourself and others around you by being objective and weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of situations.  In some cases it is a case of standing up for injustice, being the voice of reason or the person who puts their head above the parapet to stand up for a cause, person or some sort of injustice.

Pets feature too, there is a definite need to check the health of pets and to make sure that insurance is up to date, microchips are up to date and to act on any niggles about pets welfare.

All in all its a much more positive week, there is a strong feeling of lightness and confidence in your ability to solve any problems.

For some there is new romance and for others rekindling or the need to work on existing relationships  features in the reading.

Be aware of the possibility of misunderstandings and be ready to stop them getting out of hand or of any misunderstandings turning into injustice.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 9th May 2022

3 cards

Deck  The Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray

3 card spread

The first card “Guardian Angel” is a reminder that you have a guardian angel who you can contact for help anytime that you want.  They are with you from when your soul is created and are standing by for your requests for help.  Call on the help of your angel whenever you need it.

You may be tired, overwhelmed or feeling stuck.  However, you are feeling, remember that it is necessary to do the work to achieve your goals.  There is a day this week when you are likely to feel like doing nothing.  Or, there is a situation that you want to turn away from and ignore.  You are likely to need to help someone else.  For the best outcome for all involved, you must not turn away.  Your participation is essential for the best outcomes.  Please, find the strength, ask your guardian angel to step in and help you.  Or, ask Archangel Uriel to bring you wisdom and strength.  You may need to advise someone, give them options and help them to weigh up the pros and cons.  There may be medical challenges for someone close to you.  Be available, listen, don’t interrupt, let them talk.  The talking is the emotional stuff.  Listen and offer practical advice, make appointments for them,  spell out options in a simple way that they can grasp through all the emotions and fog that they will have. 

Once again there is a message to spend time in nature, spend time in the garden to relax and reset.  The garden is a perfect place to work out your worries and ask for a reset to make moving forward easier.  For those who don’t have a garden, spend time in nature in any way you can or at the very least nurture your indoor plants or buy yourself a plant for your home that you feel drawn to.  Keep your intention strong and focused.

There is a shift this week for everyone, as we move from old energy to new energy.  There is a strong feeling of finances, not necessarily personal though.  There is an unexpected bill for some.  This week is a good time to check financial budgets, to be aware that things are going up in price and you will have to meet your obligations.  Don’t be afraid to ask your guardian angel to help you, as the energy changes using the law of attraction becomes a strong method to help you, but you have to put the work in.

Don’t get overwhelmed, don’t ignore things.  Make sure that you budget for the future.  Check and know what your commitments are for the next few months.  Lay out plans for the future.  There will be opportunities, be open, be prepared to put the work in and to help someone else.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 2nd May 2022

5 card spread

Deck Sacred Landscape by Denise Linn

5 card reading

You have had a busy week.  This week starts with a strong message about challenges, this could be financial, emotional or physical – or a combination.  When we feel in turmoil it is often a sign that healing is taking place or is needed.  The feeling is of turmoil or being on edge at the start of the week.  The healing chaos card signifies that you feel as though your life is chaotic right now and so healing of some areas of your life are needed.  If this does not resonate with you, then the card may still be directed to you if you are a healer and I know there is someone out there reading this who is thinking of becoming a healer.  Whichever best fits with you, don’t let the low energy, panic or negativity of other’s drag you down.  Don’t be drawn into fear and anxiety.  Take some time this week to listen to music, walk in nature and spend time to touch base with yourself and your intuition.

Bringing simplicity into your life will aid with healing the chatter and the feeling of not having enough time or enough energy.  It is important to try and change your mindset from “never enough” to “I have what I need”.  The things that you are striving for are wants not needs.  Think about things you don’t need to simplify your life and streamline.

Success is highly likely midweek.  By being in a place of gratitude and having a loving heart you can succeed at something big this week that has the potential to be life changing in a very positive way.  Take time to have fun, to have some time for yourself and find pleasure from simple things.

The success is compounded by the next card abundance is coming to you.  However, that is not an excuse to go on a spending spree or for being extravagant.  Remember, you have what you need and positive changes are coming.  Take care of your finances, be aware of the situation and budget accordingly.  Take the time to check through and make sure that everything is straight.  There are unexpected expenses and they will have to be incorporated into your monthly budget.

Have faith you are safe,.  Listen, you are divinely guided.  The readers who need healing it is coming to you, for those who are healers, healing is flowing to you now strongly.  You will feel the energy and the light and use it to heal yourself and to heal others.  Be guided, follow your intuition and gain the strength you will need.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 25th April 2022

candle and 3 cards

Deck The Sacred Forest by Denise Linn

3 card reading

Today’s reading for the week ahead follows on perfectly from last week.  The first card today is called Manifesting Dreams.  Anyone who didn’t embrace and trust last week, will be stuck at the start of this week around positivity and realising your dreams.  There is another chance this week, you must believe you are deserving, trust the process and emotionally connect with your desired outcome.

Some people are feeling drained and emotionally bereft.  If this is you, take steps at the start of the week to reset and energise.  Spend time in nature, listening to uplifting music or just a little time practicing self love.

This final week of April is one that is all about spring, things are growing, blossom is forming or dropping to leave tiny fruits, plants are appearing out of the earth.  Yet the risk of frost is not yet over, so there is also a need for nurturing.  Look to the future and nurture now your hopes for the future.  By taking action now towards your dreams you can realise them later.

Every one should take some time in solitude this week.  The middle of the week is all about new beginnings.  Change, the opportunity for change, inspiration for change and new shifts.

The end of the week is about being honest with yourself.  How do you really feel?  Should you get something checked out?  As the week ends is the perfect time for health appointments or making health appointments.  Alternatively, it’s a time to check financial health.

Round up

Trust and have faith.  It’s important to trust the process to manifest your dreams or to simply move things along.  It’s a time of nurture and growth.  Nurture your dreams and take action.  Take time for health appointments or financial health checks.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 18th April 2022

7 cards

Deck Angel Tarot Doreen Virtue

6 card reading, with an extra card.

There is a strong feeling at the start of the week of a lot going on.  Yet there are choices and decisions to make.  Will you grasp the new opportunities?  You have choices.  The message is strong about new beginnings, you will need to take the initiative, trust your capabilities.  The time is right to take charge and embrace the new beginnings.

Taking charge will not necessary be easy and for some will lead to conflict with others.  Archangel Raziel says be strong, be true to yourself, you can do this, so don’t beat yourself up about creating conflict, rocking the boat or changing the dynamic, it would have changed anyway.

To counterbalance that make sure you take some time for yourself this week, pull back and give yourself some time.  Find things you enjoy, but also build on healthy practices, make healthy choices.  You will know what this means as you go through the week.

When you frequently  put yourself behind others, caring for others ahead of yourself and never having enough time for yourself at some point something gives.  Make decisions this week that serve your own health and well being.

The seven of water and eight of fire came out together, this is a yin yang situation, as water and fire are opposites and usually incompatible.  However, here they reiterate the message that there is a lot going on and it is important to be decisive.  Keep to the slower, slightly dreamy pace if that is what suits you, don’t let others push you into a faster pace.

 The middle of this week is a time of opportunity and good fortune.  There will be opportunities and there will be the chance of success.

Take the advice given here and listen to your intuition, then you are sure to be on the right path for long term success.

Be kind to yourself, you have nothing to feel guilty about.  You are protected.

The end of the week is a time of creativity, there is also good news coming then.  Maybe its extra money, good news from a friend or a great job opportunity, whatever it is embrace it, it is real.

To sum up its a week of taking chance, trusting and creating balance.  There are new beginnings, and you may feel a little off, be kind to yourself and take some time for yourself, don’t let others push you.  What you set in motion this week will serve you positively in the future.  The week ends with a strong air of creativity and good fortune, good news.


Weekly Card Reading W/C 11th April 2022

3 Tarot cards candle and deck

Deck Angel Wisdom Tarot

From Radleigh Valentine

Three card reading – this is a three card general reading in the format PAST- PRESENT- FUTURE

The transformation card with archangel Chamuel has come up in the past corner.  I am being told that this signifies that you have acknowledged the truth about a past situation.  Or, if you haven’t already you will do so soon.  Some readers will be going through a distressing time based around  their past.  This is because you have learnt something (or soon will) about the past that completely upsets your belief, how you thought something was. 

There are two separate readers of this message who have received, or will receive a bombshell this week and although its upsetting, you will feel a sense of running out of time, of needing to very quickly assess and act.  This is related to a loved one and you realise the need to put them first at this time, putting your own feelings and needs on hold.

The second card brings a very positive message.  Based on the current energy the things you have put in place are working and your financial position has improved.  Remember to practice daily gratitude for your finances and positivity to continue.

Archangel Raphael says that for those who cannot relate with this card, your efforts are paying off and taking time to be positive each day will go along way to getting you into a position of prosperity.

The future card for the week ahead and beyond is the seven of fire.   You have come along way, but you are not out of the woods yet.  Trust your instincts towards the end of the week and if you think you should speak up and stick up for yourself, then that is the best thing to do.  In some cases though, however much you feel as though the world is out to get you, it is in your best interests to take a step back and choose your battles wisely.

Wednesday brings a turning point for many people and I am getting a strong picture that this is something to do with global events.

Some of us are in for a rocky ride in the weeks and months to come, but Archangel Raphael says take time for yourself, meditate, trust your intuition and don’t give up.  If you are stuck send out a message for help and a sign will come.      

Weekly Card Reading W/C 3rd April 2022

3 cards and a candle

Deck The Sacred Forest Denise Linn

Following on from the powerful new moon this is a week of moving forward.

This is a three card reading, it’s a general reading for anyone reading this.  The reading today is blockage – healing – outcome format.


So let’s get started:

The blockage card is Wolf Spirit and what this card is telling me is that the new moon gives you the perfect time to heal any rifts with your family at the first part of this week.  Whatever the problem, it is not as bad as you think and it can be healed, but you have to put the effort in.

The rift may not be between you and someone else, but there is a rift and some people might have to choose which side of the fence they sit.  Don’t be tempted to sit on the fence, but weigh up the situation and work through with other family members to heal.  Life is to short to do otherwise.

Meanwhile Bluebird Spirit comes in to say have fun, take time to play, do something spontaneous that you enjoy.  There is a risk of working, working, working.  Take some time for yourself this week.  Purely for you, an indulgence, a pleasure, it might be something big or something small.  Taking the time for yourself will help you to come to terms with any fears you have around moving forward.

There is a lot going on in the world at the moment and it is important for you not to get bogged down with large events that you cannot change.   Bluebird says live your life now, take opportunities that make you happy, don’t procrastinate or worry about the future.  This week is a time for being firmly in the present.

Wizard of the Woods says it is important that you stay positive and find ways to be positive.  Find positivity in all things and don’t dwell on any negativity or things that you cannot change.

By taking time for yourself and living for the moment, great things can manifest for you this week, but you have to put the work in by concentrating on positivity.

In conclusion:  Heal a family relationship or help to heal a family rift.  Take time for yourself and live in the present.  Above all find positivity where you can.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 27th March 2022

9 card reading

Deck  Angel Tarot Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

 This week is a massive message from Archangel Michael.  Honestly, you couldn’t make it up.  Its very clear and very strong.

This week is going to be hard.  Tougher for some than others, but wait, listen help is at hand.  You are reading this for a reason, so take note.

It’s a week to think before you speak, think before you act and utilise inner strength to avoid conflict situations that will not serve you well.

In fact keep out of other peoples problems and conflicts, getting involved will cause you unnecessary worry.  You are far better to say “whoa, wait, I need to step away from this situation, sorry I cannot get involved right now”.

There may be the need to get involved with some situations, but chose them carefully, don’t get involved in anything that shouldn’t be your business.

There is a lot going on this week and there is a massive shift to contend with as well.  It is important to stay grounded, stay positive and maintain your position once you have set it into place.

If you are not prepared this week is the start of a bad period for some, so its important to take note and action.

There are strong messages  to take notice of thoughts that come to you, seemingly from nowhere, take notice of dreams and what occurs during meditations.  We are going to be sent strong, important messages from spirit, from ancestors, from guides and angels this week.  Listen and take note.

There is a lot going on and its important to be grounded, to come from a place of integrity.  To plan.

Its a great week for making plans about finances, career choices and house moves.  But always with a mindfulness to what your intuition is telling you.  In fact planning is important and get it done by mid-week.

The Queen of Water comes to tell us that there may be the need to be patient and empathetic, but is that person trustworthy?  For your change to be positive you must care for yourself and your immediate family first and foremost.  Trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to say no.  Only trust those who you are certain you can trust.

Overall this week, there are big changes afoot, the economy, the world events and there is big news from afar that effects us all. 

The strongest message is to knuckle down and plan, stay grounded, but aware of your intuition.  There are some big opportunities for some people if you are ready.

Stay positive.  It’s vital to discipline yourself to process your thoughts, write down if necessary to gain clarity, doodle, rearrange, plan.  But take time to relax, chill, listen.  Take relaxation that inspires you.

If you prepare, listen and stay positive there are opportunities and you will weather the storm.  Failing to plan is planning to fail, don’t be one who fails to plan and then experiences problems.

Things are going to get tough for some people, planning and being aware will help you to make the best of what is to come.



Weekly Card Reading W/C 20th March 2022

The Shenikah, White Eagle, Freya

Deck:  Keepers of the Light Kyle Gray

This is a three card general reading for the week ahead

Pray for peace, whatever your religion or spirituality, our united prayers for peace in Ukraine and other places around the world where people are subjected to the tyranny and bullying of others.  Pray for those who have departed when it should not have been their time.  Pray for the mothers and wives of the Russian soldiers who have been misled and used.  The Shekinah represents the powerful feminine.  Call on your own powerful feminine for strength and guidance.  United we can make a difference.

White Eagle reminds us to honour our past, live in the present and plan for the future.  There is a strong need for letting go.  This may be letting go of elements of your past that do not serve you, therapy can help with this and enable you to move forward leaving the negative baggage behind you.  This week many will experience decreasing energy levels and we should make the effort to finish things, finish decorating, finish applications, finish any projects that have been hanging around and tie up loose ends.  Doing so before next weekend will give a feeling of achievement and importantly release.

The ending of something enables the space for the beginning of something else.  Release the past and let it fly as you begin a new phase, a new project or a feeling of renewal.  Our lives flow in cycles and as some things end new things arise.   Welcome the new, be optimistic and embrace your renewed energy as it increases after the reduced energy of this week.

Remember, you can book an individual reading with me to answer individual questions or to learn move about how elements of this reading help you individually.

Weekly Card Reading W/C 13th March 2022

4 card reading Sacred Forest

Deck The Sacred Forest Denise Linn

 Many of us are empathising with the people of Ukraine at the moment. 

We must remember that living in suffering ourselves does nothing to help the brave, innocent Ukrainians at this time of the Russian invasion of their country.

I have spent a lot of time in mediation, learning from my guides and being supported by my guardian angels. Without their help, I think I’d crumble. It is crucial not to crumble. Instead, find something you can do to help.

The deck and spread I have been guided to use today is the beautiful Sacred Forest Deck by lovely Denise Linn and the spread the four-card spread for this deck that represents the four compass points:

  • East
  • South
  • West 
  • North

Card 1 is about beginnings. The east in the northern hemisphere is where the sun rises.

The protection card represents safety. You are reading this, so you are safe. However, you must take steps to protect your energy and that of people close to you. Spend time in nature; you will find solace there and be able to recharge your energy levels. We are in springtime, a time of beginning and new life. Take advantage of that this week and help those around you by gathering them close and looking in wonder at the miracle of nature. You will get the opportunity this week.

Card 2 is the activation card. What better card to have drawn for this time. Take inspiration from your time in nature. 

Then go for it! The time is right to move forward with an inspired project or action. However, for some, there will be a time of upheaval. Accept this for the natural occurrence that it is. You will benefit in the long run.

The 3rd card represents the setting sun, endings and looking forward. After the expansion of the activation comes contraction. Remember what is important to you, what and who gives you stability. 

The change brought about by upheaval will lead to stability as your dreams and prayers are answered.

For those readers considering financial changes or activities, the timing is perfect this week to invest and make important economic changes that lead to stability in the long term.

The north card represents winter and darkness. The card at this position is about what you need to nurture. The cheerful daffodils of spring in this position signify positivity and reiterate that this is a good time for new beginnings and represents the start of a new cycle.

You must be brave and forge forward. The darkness of this message is that it is essential to leave behind that or those that do not serve you to succeed. It’s a time to remove toxic relationships to enable the new cycle and the opportunities that are calling you.

Summing Up

The upheaval is likely to be from breaking free from that which does not serve you. It’s a good week for financial decisions and investments. There is a strong message of change, growth and positivity in the long run. However, it is important this week to get close to nature and take solace from the healing green and the signs of new growth.

A big part is drawing family and loved ones close, encouraging them to enjoy nature, and benefit from its gifts.

It’s a perfect time for starting a new project, business or activity. 

Weekly Card Reading W/C 6th March 2022

9 card reading

Deck Angel Guide Oracle

Kyle Gray

This is a 9 card reading exploring home and family, relationships and purpose, path or career.

The angels know that there are a lot of people sad and unhappy about Ukraine at the moment.  The message is to turn your thoughts to what you can manifest to help the people who are displaced.  When you manifest from a place of love your requests are stronger and more likely to be answered.  Don’t pray from desperation, find some positivity and send your thoughts out to help.

We must also accept that we can only do so much.  Its important to notice that our misery at the situation does not help those who are suffering, it just means that we suffer also.  Accept what you can and cannot do.  Find ways to be in joy for some time each day, enjoy the faces of your loved ones, the wonder of a sleeping child.  Take comfort in the small joys that mean so much.

There is change a foot for many, this is positive change, so take comfort from any change of direction.  Being honest with yourself right now is really important.  If you feel confused it is really crucial to sit in quietness and think about the possibilities, the way forward.  There is a strong feeling of severing ties, it may be with sadness, but it is the right thing to do.  This is reiterated by the final relationship card “Cut the Cords” Hanging on to old relationships that don’t serve you is damaging you and preventing you from moving forward and reaching your potential.  It may be hard, but often a clean break is the best way.  Be honest with yourself and allow your inspiration to guide you.

A clean break is again reiterated in the next card.  Are you clear about your path or career?  Many are not.  Imagine you have a clean slate.  What would you do, which way would you turn?  Think about it, set your intention.  March is the perfect time for new beginnings.  

Weekly Card Reading for W/C 27th February 2022

Deck  Keepers of the Light

Kyle Gray

There is a lot of good that come this week as long as you trust, have faith and believe in miracles.  There is nothing to worry about if you give your doubts and worries up to the angels and trust. 

There is the opportunity this week to express yourself, dance, relax, sing, have fun.  The gloves are off, you are allowed to have fun, so don’t hesitate when the opportunity arises.

When there is something worrying you it can drag you down and effect your whole life.  Don’t let yourself be one of those dragged down by irrational worries.  This week and in the coming weeks there are questions you want answered,  trust your intuition, you have the answers.

When the answers come to you, trust, expand and allow, amazing opportunities are possible as long as you trust and believe.

When there is an ending in your life, don’t despair it also heralds a new beginning of some sort.

 Summing up

Miracles are real, trust and believe and wonderful things can happen.  Take time out, take opportunities to have fun.  Any unanswered questions can be answered by asking and trusting your intuition.

Amazing opportunities are possible in the coming weeks and don’t be upset by an ending, it brings a new beginning.


Weekly Card Reading for W/C 20th February 2022

A candle and three cards

Today we are using the Sacred Destiny Oracle cards from Denise Linn

It is a three card reading.

Card 1

You have blessings emerging into your life, but in many cases you do not realise how blessed you are.

Be open to things that seem negative but that lead to positive outcomes.  Things like missing the bus, but then getting a lift meaning that you save the bus fare.  Or maybe getting held up and then passing a traffic collision.  Other things may be perceived as problems but ultimately lead to positivity.

If that is not resonating with you, then you may be someone who needs the message of the second card to realise your blessings.

Card 2

Healing Chaos might relate directly to the chaos we are experiencing at the moment with the storms that keep hitting us.  I was out of power for two days, but kept warm by wearing more layers and we really appreciated that we have an open fire.  My husband was given the wood from a fallen tree at a friend’s farm and we were able to burn the smaller, dried branches to keep warm and to heat some water for washing and hot drinks. 

Sometimes apparent chaos or disorder is needed to release stagnant energy and for you to recognise your blessings.  If your life is a little stuck and you feel down in the dumps, think about how you can create some turbulence to activate opportunities, healing or both.  The chaos you create to change the energy and move forward maybe just what is needed.

Card 3


There are definitely some reading this reading who will go through the three steps and come out as strong, able leaders.  In some cases you need strong leadership from elsewhere and you will know if that is you.  So, seek it out.

Some readers are represented by this card as your dreams coming to fruition.

Summing Up

In all cases by experiencing the elements of this reading the outcome will be the appointment or recognition of a strong leader.  This maybe yourself, someone stepping up or a present leader getting the recognition that they deserve.

 In all cases, look out for negatives that are really positives, see the best in all situations and grow from the chaos that is either around or that you need to create to remove stagnant energy.  Finally, there is leadership shown on many cases.  But for some the outcomes are likely to be realising your dreams and seeing them come to fruition or ways to bring them to fruition.

Weekly Card Reading for W/C 13th February 2022

Today,  I am guided to do a 3 card reading using the Radleigh Valentine Angel Wisdom Tarot deck:

Card 1

In this reading the first card represents the past. I am being told that this is the recent past and the card will mean different things to different people.

For many of you this card represents your success at nurturing others, your kindness and nurturing nature sees you loved by many people.  You are facing angst about someone you care for as they flex and test their wings.  Recent disagreements are on your mind and it is important to reach out with love and resolve the conflict.  Don’t be afraid to call on Archangel Gabriel to help you overcome conflicts in a way that means everyone can move forward.

For some readers this is about your pregnancy or child.  There is someone reading who has been trying to become pregnant for some time and you are pregnant.  Congratulations! 

Some of you are concerned for a loved one or pet.  Call on us (the angels) to support you through difficult times. 

Card 2

You are currently in a state of flux.  You may feel that things are spiraling around you and you have no control.  You want to gain or regain order.  Where this refers to work, then the answer is from a surprising place as it comes from a different direction or department to that which you expect.  Be open minded and trust your intuitive feelings that guide you at this time.

Where the feeling comes from a home situation, then this card represents that you need to take care of the details, even the small things that could be missed.  There may be a father figure involved here and open communication is required to successfully resolve the feelings of uncertainty that surrounds the situation.

Card 3

The future has many opportunities and the outlook is very bright.  Get rid of the things that are bothering you now then you will be ready to move forward and grasp the opportunities that are coming your way.

What you cannot see yet is the building momentum as the wheel turns for you.  Once you have resolved what is bothering you, you will feel the positive energy of the wheel.

For some of you this is to do with relationships, for many of you this card is connected to moving home and especially if you are going to a different area or even country, its all good, but all concerned must know all the facts before this can grow for you.

When this message is connected to work, then delays are ending.  A change of job, a promotion or removal of a blocked feeling around a contract or bonus are coming to you.

Summing Up

The Empress tells me that although this card represents the past we must all be kind and nurturing.  Some reading this may not have always been so in the past, it is time to change that.  You are forgiven.

The Emperor card in this reading represents the present and its important to resolve the chaotic feelings surrounding a situation now.

The Wheel is a positive card for the future and by resolving any conflicts from the past and the current turmoil you enable the positive momentum to build for you.

Weekly Card Reading for W/C 6th February 2022

3 cards in a row and another card

This week I am led to do a 3 card reading using the Angel Guide Oracle card deck by Kyle Gray.

It is a 3 card reading although I’ve also go a bit of a tingle going on that I am going to want to pull another card for the reading. So, let’s get started and see what comes up for this week.

What I am getting strong now is that I will want to do something more to help someone who is reading this reading this week.

Card 1

What I am getting from the first card is that you have noticed recently as affinity  or feelings that angels are near or past loved ones are near .  this is likely to be associated with the colour gold or the colour green when you get this feeling which may be an intuition or a bit like something that you don’t quite see.

It’s telling you that your departed loves ones are near they are helping you, they want to help you, but you have to ask.

Card 2

The main message of this week is one of open communication.  It’s important to speak your truth, its important to not hide away from facing things that perhaps you have been putting off.  In fact I’m getting a very strong back of the neck feeling that putting things of is whats been happening, this cannot continue.  The decision quite possible for some has already been made, it may not even be your decision, however it has been reached you have to go with it.  You have to accept it, you have to  move forward with honesty and openness, keep your integrity, its important to keep your integrity, don’t just blurt out your truth in an aggressive way, it needs to be done in a way that you retain your own grace and integrity.

Card 3

Card 3 follows on very well from card 2 and what it is telling me is that you are changing your job.  There are definitely people here that are changing their job, this is to do with employment and prospects. (remember a lot of people read these general readings, this may not resonate for everyone).

There is something that you have clinging on to whether its a job or a person to do with a job and its time to cut the chords, its time to let go and move forward, time to accept the job you’ve been offered or right now the time is right to look for another, that’s what’s right for you.

This has so far being a bit of a short reading, so I am going to shuffle again to pull more cards and see what else we do get?

Okay, more of the same, this is confirming what we have already learnt from the reading! What I have done is pulled an additional card to go with the first three cards.  This is confirming very strongly the need for openness, being honest with yourself and cutting chords and moving on.  What is interesting about getting this card after the 3rd one is that, it brings a very clear message to most people reading this. It’s time to cut chords, clear, cut, release and move on.

 I am also going to link it to the first card and you are, in a position now that if you ask you will be helped to clear cancel and release these chords, things that don’t serve you well.  Take a few deep breathes, close your eyes and ask either out loud or under your breathe for your angels to help you with this.

So, to round up, its a week of being guided if you ask, needing to be open and honest and moving on from a job or looking for a new one.  The most important aspect is the cutting of chords, removing yourself from people, places or situations that don’t serve you.

I knew there was something else this week.

I am being guided to send healing to a reader who contacted me this week.  I will therefore prepare and send a free healing session to Adam.

Weekly Card Reading for W/C 30th January 2022

Celtic Cross Layout

Today’s reading is with the Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine Angel Tarot Cards deck.  The reading utilises the Celtic cross layout and this is a general reading for anyone felt drawn to reading this weeks message.

Card 1 Knight of Air

Straight to the problem of whats on your mind.  This is telling me what’s on your mind, is to do with something in the future.  Recently, you feel that something has moved on to quickly or to quickly to do with – not work.  Remember this is a general reading for a lot of people.  For some people this is to do with relationships you feel are moving too quickly and you are going to need to make a decision about.  For some it is connected to social or exercise.  I’m being told and being shown a thumbs up.  For some people it’s going to be connected to joining a gym.  With all the uncertainty, you didn’t do so in January which is when they usually have the really good offers, but there are going to be some good offers out there now.  So for some it is to do with relationships, its around people, for some its about exercising and joining a gym or exercise class and for just a few people, a comparative handful, its connected to work and career or volunteering. 

Card 2 The Dreamer Archangel Metatron

Now, here I’m getting that the answers will come to you in your dreams.  This may be night time dreams as you sleep, so keep a note pad by the side of the bed if you wake up in the night, jot down what you remember from your dreams.  Or, when you first  wake up write down what your dreams are about straightaway.  Because sometimes once you start the day the other side of the brain kicks in and you forget all about it and sometimes you are missing important messages by doing that.  So jot it down which is a good habit to get into anyway.

Card 3 The Magician Archangel Raziel

Love getting the magician in a reading, it’s a highly positive card.  Archangel Raziel is telling me here, what is on your mind, is what we’ve already mentioned.  This is the right time to begin, whereas the dreamer card said follow your dreams, the magician card says its okay to slow it down a little bit and look at your options, think about your options take the time that you need to do that, but don’t tale too long.  Archangel Raziel says that by taking that time, thinking it through, listening to your dreams and weighing it all up the time is right, you have the resources, or you will be given the resources to move things forward.  If you don’t feel ready then you are more ready than you realise, don’t be afraid.  So take a few deep breaths think about it you are ready.

Card 4 The High Priestess Archangel Haniel

This is reiterating what you have already been told, listen to your intuition, listen to your dreams, follow your dreams.  If your dreams are telling you go and your intuition is telling you no! – then that’s when you need to sit down and think about it.  Remember a time in your past when you didn’t pay attention to the messages in your dreams or intuition.  Bear in mind that Archangel Raziel says you have the tools or will do soon, you are ready.  But there is no harm in convincing yourself of that, taking a little time to listen to your intuition and almost convincing that it is going to be right. Just consider it, consider carefully what you want.  If it doesn’t feel right, then it’s not right, but follow your dreams as well. If answers come to you in your dreams, then before you go to sleep ask the question that you want to know the answer to and it should come to you or some kind of message that you need to know will come to you overnight that will answer your question and clarify for you.

Card 5 Ten of Fire

The ten of fire, this card represents what you are here for.  It’s ready, its time weigh up the pros and cons (this seems to be a common theme in these general readings), but it is what you need to be doing to convince.  For your intuition or your angelic helpers to be able to allow you to convince the other side of your brain – your mind that it is the right thing.

Ten of fire says too much work.  What it is saying don’t do too much, don’t overdo it.  OK, don’t be afraid to say no to taking on additional work, you need to look after your health and to look after your health, you need to have the right balance.  Literally the right work-life balance or give and take, you need to have the right balance in your life and this is important for some people drawn to this reading.

Card 6 Six of Earth

This is another nice one to have, its telling me that there is fortune coming your way, it may be  monetary fortune, maybe a job offer, maybe an inheritance of  some sort that is not necessarily money.  Its new opportunities, pay off debts.  What I am being told is to prioritise paying off debts with your good fortune.  

Card 7 Ego Archangel Jophiel

Your angelic team is with you, you are supported, you are helped.  But don’t focus too much on material things, the tangible.  Yes, it’s important that whilst you are here in your earthly life that you are grounded, that you are on the earth, but don’t put too much stock on material things that you don’t need.  A new car, as in a new car, you could have a car that is a few years old, you don’t need to buy a new coat because it’s a bargain, you have so many coats already.  That’s what I’m getting here, just be mindful of that.  Be careful with money, pay bills and debts first.

Card 8 Five of Air

This is interesting, this is going back, this is in the past.  It may explain the reluctance to move this thing, decision forward that we discussed at the start of the reading. Something in your past is coming back to bite you.  It’s either a memory you are thinking that perhaps you made the wrong choice before, to do with a relationship, this is to do with other people.  Just be aware of who you can and cannot trust.  Remember the lessons of the past and be aware of who you can and cannot trust.  Be aware also of someone returning into your life that you were not sure if you could trust before.  Don’t trust them.

Card 9 Life Experience Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel brings us life experience here and this is actually having just gone backwards to the past, this is for the future.  This is not this week, this is this year, there is going to be a significant life event of some sort in your life.  In order to achieve that you may need to activate a change of direction in some way.  Deviating from the path that you are currently on and moving towards something – I’m literally getting moving towards a brighter future, but its not what you expect, it won’t be what you expect and it signifies good things, but be aware of who you can and cannot trust and importantly, be aware of opportunities that come your way, don’t go searching but be aware of them and one of these opportunities is absolutely what you should be doing to move forward with your life experience.

Card 10 Knight of Fire

The final card is the knight of fire, this advises that there is something this week that will need you to sit up and take notice.  It demands instant attention, it may be a final bill, it may be a noise on your car, or somebody or a pet who you are not quite sure about, you are feeling, you will get a feeling that something is not right, follow it up, its important that that you follow it up, it could be important. For some people its time critical.

My Thoughts:

Rounding up the week, there is a very positive start with new things coming into your life.  Listen to your dreams, you have the tools.  However, some people are going to be whoa, let’s slow this down, trust your intuition balance your intuition with what you find out through listening to your dreams, writing down what they tell you.

Don’t over do it this week at work, accept help from other people, if you feel stressed do something before that effects your health and in fact there is someone reading this that the event that is time critical is to do with your own health.  As you know in readings, I don’t advise on health, I don’t advise on legal that sort of thing, but this is actually a really clear message from Archangel Raziel that for somebody stress related – something to do with your health act quickly.

Something in your past will come back as a reminder, or it maybe to bite you in a way, but it is most likely to be as a reminder.  It maybe a lesson learnt that you can use now, but it maybe to do with someone who you thought you could trust, but you couldn’t so just be aware of that.  Be aware of somebody coming back into your life who weren’t quite sure about before.  Don’t trust them.   Be careful with the spending, you don’t need so many material things, think about do I need it, do I want it?  If there is a need there somewhere think about why you think you want it, you can satisfy that in another way.  Unless you need it don’t buy it.

However, there are gifts coming your way, it maybe a money gift, someone helping you, an inheritance maybe new opportunities, careers whatever. Use it towards paying of debts.   

Weekly Card Reading Week Commencing 23rd January 2022

9 cards

This is a general reading for the week ahead and beyond. 

Card 1 Joy and Contentment  This is a reflection of how you want to be feeling.  There’s something going on to do with family and this is preventing you feeling the joy and contentment that you really want to feel.

What I am getting here is that definitely there is something going on that is preventing from feeling the joy and contentment that you used to enjoy and want again.

Card 2 Compassion  There is a need for compassion, showing compassion will help you, but also someone else in your family group.  Even if you don’t agree with what someone is doing or that they are doing, think about putting your own thoughts to one side; be empathic.  Think about how you can help them which in turn will bring you the contentment that you require.

Card 3 Holy Love  The third card is Holy Love and it is always a blessing when this card shows up anywhere in a reading.  It’s interesting that it’s come up here in the reading as well.  What it is telling me here is to just ask and you will have the holy love and guidance that you need to show compassion and to gain the joy and contentment that you require.

This is beyond the next week.  What I am seeing are the pages of a calendar, potentially for some people reading this, the first part of this reading is going to be at sometime in the next month and not necessarily in this week ahead.  However, the Joy and Contentment card is clearly telling me now that there is something that you need, something that you need to fix straight away and it is quite clear that it is to do with compassion.  The love that you need and the guidance you require can be with you, but you may need to ask.  You are blessed to have this card.

Card 4 Honesty and Communication

Moving onto the second row, our first card of this row is honesty and communication.  This second row is to do with romance and relationships.  This card is to do with romance and it is really, really vital that you are honest with any potential romantic relationships.  If you are in an existing relationship as in you are married or in a long term relationship then opening up to your partner is vital this week.  What I am being told here, is there is some sort of energy surrounding a misunderstanding and that needs to be put right.

Card 5 Listen Deeply  The way to put  that right is to listen, the way to put it right is to ask questions and process the answers, don’t just be waiting to say the next thing you want to say, listen and  don’t accuse of something.  Let them speak.    Ask questions, listen carefully to their answers and thee is a special message for some people that your partner is very, very worried about something right now.  They need your support, they need you to be honest and they need you to listen and you may need to get this information out of them by getting them to relax, tell them that it doesn’t matter what it is they should tell you and in some cases you will need to cajole them to learn what is bothering them.

Card 6 No!  We ended the first row with a blessing and we end the second with a definite No!

This is to do with a question you have got on your mind.  For some of you this is to do with a relationship, for some of you it is something totally different.  It IS whatever is on your mind.

So, this is a general reading for everybody, this isn’t a reading for just one person.  If it were a reading for one person I’d say OK, the answer to question whatever it is – maybe should I move in with my best mate, it means a longer commute to work?  The answer is no.  Should I buy that house I saw 2 days ago, the answer would be no.  Here its a case of what’s on your mind – this is adamant the answer is a definite no.  What I am getting is that if it is to do with a house, it would be a money pit, you would regret it soon after the excitement has died down. You’d find all sorts of problems with the house, the answer here is hang on in there, the right place will come.  In fact, be prepared to compromise you could ask for help in finding the right house, for some that is about being more open.  Be prepared to compromise, there will be a house out there that is perfect in all but one way, is it something you could fix?  Be prepared to be open to compromise there.

Card 7 Healing Energy  Our third row in this reading with this set is starting with healing energy.  This is to do with a work situation, probably in your past.  During this coming week, you need to book some sort of healing that works for you.  It could be a card reading from me, some Reiki or angel healing which I also do, I’ve not loaded it onto the website yet, but I do, do angel healing and I can do that at distance.  Whatever kind of energy healing you use take advantage of it this week as soon as you can.  It may be as simple as going for a walk in nature, going for a swim – do something you haven’t done before is what I am l so being told, to boost your healing, your own healing in your body.  That is a definite 100% and it is to do with work and something that has already happened.

A lot of readers will be carers, those who care for others and are feeling tired and frustrated. Whatever you do this week, step back and try and rest.

Card 8 Clear, Cancel Release The clear cancel or release message is telling me that have the healing energy, but use it in a way to clear out the old, cancel something that has been bothering you release that negative, negativity surrounding something.  This is a reset, it is a massive, massive reset and this again is to do with work.  There is something at work that has been niggling at you, is there a problem with another member of staff?  Changing your job?  Whatever it is, this is very clear, the same as the no card was very clear this is very clear what you need to do is recognise the problem, release the problem can be changed from you, doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, you have it in your power to clear, cancel release and move forward.

Card 9 Intuition and Downloads To do with your future, to do with work,  here we have a situation where to do with work there is something that is bothering you, maybe you are thinking about a career change, or a change within your organization or looking for a new job altogether.  What this is telling you is during this coming week, just take a moment, have some healing, use that as a way to clear out the old and then …

Think about – spend some time in meditation, or maybe get a second reading (I would not usually advocate that you get two readings so close together, but I am being guided here to suggest a second reading 5-7 days later). But if that is your choice for your healing then a second reading will be beneficial.  If meditation is not something that is easy for you, try sitting in peace and ask the angels or getting answers to your prayers, then another reading is going to give you the answers that you want.

This is, something that you need to ask the questions, before you meditate or have the reading.  Your intuition should help, see what pops up, something should come to you.

Downloads to me makes me think of claircognizance that I have just added to my blog that explains the four main clairs, I am going to be adding another one to do with that, I have realised that there are other bits and pieces connected to that, that I have not told you about the gifts and skills.

But, sometimes people without the same range of gifts will say that there intuition is as though they have had a download of information.

I am an intuitive reader and for me the intuition is protected.  I am guided by some very special entities and it is completely safe.  Sometimes, I can sort of do a little digging and find out where the information has come from and I am very lucky and blessed.  I am protected.  I am blessed to be protected by Archangel Michael and to bring you completely safe messages.

Thank you

Reading for week commencing 16th January 2022

I originally prepared this week’s reading as a video reading.  However, it won’t load onto the site.

So here is this weeks reading:

Our first card of the week is open communication, Mercury.  Mercury is also closely linked with healing.  There is a need this week to speak your truth and doing so will be cathartic.  However, there is also a need to be diplomatic.  There is a need for open communication, this is very, very necessary.  Not sure when in the week this will be, but there is a need for communication and sorting things out.

The second card is The Myrriam, directly linked to the first card, what I am being told very, very strongly.  There is a misunderstanding, probably a third party, words mixed, someone told not quite right.  So speak your truth, get it out in the open.  There is a need for getting it out in the open and getting it right.

The Lady Portia card.  These three cards go very strongly together and what this card is telling me is that the openness, transparency and being honest is an important message for someone.  If its you that is worried that you were responsible for miscommunication, don’t worry.  Its a learning experience.  In future don’t pass things on unless you are sure they are absolutely correct.  It all starts with someone getting something off their chest, a chip off their shoulder and it will resolve the situation and also revolve into going forward.

Brigid is one of my guides and here she is telling me that this card is not telling me what it says, its to do with a gift.  What you are being given is the ability to help someone else who needs help.  What it is telling me is you will be given the gift of love and support to help someone else – this is very strong.  Mid week, probably Wednesday is when you will need to be supportive and use the gift of support that is given to you.

El Morya this says that some of you may need to ask for strength and help, you will be given the gift of the tools you need to help that person, but you will  need to ask for it.  The universe or whoever you turn to will help you, but you have to ask.  It’s important to ask for this help if you need it.  Meditate and ask or if you don’t meditate then close your eyes and ask either in your head or out loud.

Interesting I turned the cards as they came, I got to card number 5 and really felt Jesus strongly and that I needed Jesus’  help in this reading, lo and behold the next card was Master Jesus.  At this point the reading is being pulled back together as one.  Jesus says that forgiveness is going to be vital, if to do with the first part of this reading or Wednesday’s potential problem.  You are going to need to practice forgiveness and maybe ask for forgiveness.  If you are a Christian if you need to pray for forgiveness, don’t be afraid to ask for forgiveness, you will be forgiven.

Isis What I am getting about this is not so much about what the card says.  This is about the weekend, you can relax and have a party.  But first you must get your work done, get it done, tie up loose ends and finish work.  I am literally seeing spreadsheets, reports, rotas that sort of thing, get them done, then can relax for the weekend.

As long as you have sort forgiveness if you needed, helped someone and got the work done, then you can relax at the weekend.  The week is about communication, a very strong need for openness and forgiveness.  It’s a week of lessons learnt for some people.  Wednesday brings the need to help and support someone; you will be given the gift of the tools to help with that if you ask.  Friday, get the work done before relaxing at the weekend.




Reading for week commencing 9th January 2022

Celtic Cross Angel Tarot


When you are wondering about the right time to start a project or if you should start a project, a myriad of emotions and thoughts go round and round in your mind.  The first card today says that the time is right – now!

However, you should accept help that is offered or ask for help if you feel overburdened with work.  If feeling overworked is what is holding you back then find a way to outsource some of the simpler tasks to enable you to relieve any stress and work on the new project.

Now is the perfect time for making significant changes.

You have been waiting for the perfect time.  The perfect time is now or very soon.  Some should move right now and move things forward.  However, if you feel that you need to offset some work, get then done first to ensure that you can concentrate on the new.  But, don’t take too long or the perfect time will be gone.

When you start the project if everything easily falls into place then that is showing you that you are on the right path.  Make long term optimistic plans.

Use your skills and judgement as you look forward to the future, don’t let your optimism mean that you skip careful judgement.  There is a reason to be cautious in the near future, this could be connected to transport or someone you know who is connected to the transport industry.

However, there is also the possibility of feeling trapped emotionally.  Don’t take this to heart.  Think about the bigger picture and you will realise that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Those who are employed will find opportunities for career progression in the future, not within the next week.  Although some will have unexpected windfalls during the next 10 days, this should be used to pay bills, pay off debt or to set aside.

If you are still afraid of making the wrong choice or the wrong move.  Sit quietly, meditate, think of calming blue swirling around you and see what thoughts come to mind.  There may be someone who is not being honest with you and this may impact on your outcome.  Be careful towards the end of the week and spend time assessing what you are told.

Your self-discipline will pay off.  There is every possibility that you will succeed and your plans will come to fruition.


The week starts with a message that the timing is right to start something new.  Yet, the second card warns that some readers are feeling overworked, if that is you, outsource some of the work to free up your time and energy for the new project.

The beginning of the week is a perfect time for making changes in any area of your life.

The timing is right for moving plans forward, yet caution is needed to make sure you are on the right path, if it feels right it is right, so make long term plans with confidence.  If it doesn’t feel right, be cautious and consider clearing the workload or working to remove stress before moving plans forward the next time that the timing is favourable.

Mid-week and towards the end of the week, there is the likelihood of feeling emotional challenged or trapped. But the cards are positive here, there is nothing to worry about.

By the end of the week you will know if you have successfully moved a project forward or if you need to wait until another time.  Don’t be downhearted.  Get things cleared away and be aware of those around you as there is a definite element of other people being dishonest that could effect your outcomes.

It is a week of high positivity, activity and change.  There is a need for balance at times.  On the whole its a good week for many people.

Reading 31st December 2021 for first week of January 2022

New Year week 1 reading

Deck  Moonology


I thought this would be a 9 card reading, but the powers that be had other ideas and as we approach the end of one year and the start of the next we have a 7 card reading that gives very clear guidance and advice.  The individual cards are in italics at the start of their paragraph:

Surrender to the Divine

There is something niggling away at the back of your mind.  Give your worries and concerns to the divine and breathe.  You cannot change what is in the past, but it is essential to move on and forgive past mistakes.

Step out of your comfort zone

The second card is a strong reiteration of the message from the first.  You need to leave something from your past behind, only then can you follow your true life purpose.

A new start is coming

Where the previous two cards are about the past, the third card is about the present.  If you have read my blog post about the first new moon of 2022 then you will know what this means. In this reading though, there is excitement around getting this card.  The new start refers to what comes to your thoughts as you receive this message.  This is a very positive card, think of it as a major arcana in the tarot. It brings an important message and this is one full of joy and hope.  Starting a new project, starting again, moving forward with positivity and a strong message of “follow your dreams”.

Once again the second present card reiterates the message of the first, just as the two past cards did at the start.  Literally, have faith in your dreams – but also have faith in God (your God, divine, universe).  For your success it is vital to give up the worries of the past so you can move forward to the future.  Doing so is dependent on prompt action.  Take action now and move forward with a weight lifted from your thoughts.

Conclusions are within reach

The message here is one of one door closing and another door opening, there is sadness as the first door closes behind you, but note, there is no going back, this is the right thing.  As you commence your journey through the new door the future is bright, filled with light and love.

Don’t let pride get in your way

However this card brings an important message.  It is essential for your success to squash your pride, don’t let your ego dominate and spoil the new opportunities that are filled with promise.

You’re very close to achieving your goal

 The final card brings a message from Archangel Haniel and Archangel Raphael as we round up this reading:

How the next week or month goes is dependent on you.  The messages here are very much dependent on your doings… what you do, how you adjust, what you think.  By finding this reading you are on the right track towards wonderful things.  But one wrong move and it could come tumbling down. You have to banish the worries of the past, remove the burden of guilt and too much ego. Wonderful things are within your grasp and following these instructions is essential for your success.

If you need to know more, please contact me for a prompt personal reading – I am getting a very strong message that there are several readers who need to know additional information that is individual. 

Special Message

Archangel Raphael says there is someone who needs healing help. Please get in touch to discover the message that is waiting for you.