How Often Should You Get Your Cards Read

How Often Should You Get Your Cards Read

card deck

People with well-developed (or retained) clairs can tune in for help when they need it.  This is something many people reading this can’t do, which is where buying personalised professional readings come in to help you.  So, the answer to the question how often should you get your cards read has a different answer for different people. 

Some people have a reading every month.  Some have a full, comprehensive reading once a year and then buy quick readings when they feel the need.  Some book a reading to request clarity about something that relates to them that cropped up in the free weekly reading. 

  • I have a client who has a reading every three months, booked at the start of each year. It’s great to touch base in this way and I book my holidays so they don’t clash with her precise dates.
  • I have another client who gets in touch most months for a reading. She sometimes has a general reading and sometimes has a very specific question. 
  • Still more people have a reading at certain times in their life, birthdays, when there is uncertainty, or other significant events.
  • Relationship break-ups frequently see clients reaching out for a reading.

Getting a card reading is a perfect option when you are faced with several choices.  Cut through the confusion with guided advice of what is best for you.  Sometimes, you find yourself at a crossroads.  We’ve all been there, it is crucial to get it right for your future or even the future of someone else, yet you don’t know which way to turn.  Asking the right questions for a reading from a genuine, talented reader or explaining the options will bring you the answers that you seek.

When you can’t see the wood for the trees and feel as though whichever way you turn is wrong, or you just get a brain fog when you try and make decisions, then getting your cards read, will clear up your worries and point you in the right direction.

There are no hard and fast rules about how often you should get your cards read.  It’s a matter of personal choice and circumstances.  However, although a reading is given based on current energy, it is not sensible to obtain card readings from different readers in quick succession.  This is because by doing so, you are already changing the energy.  You are sending the message out to the universe that you doubt the information you have already been given.  Likewise, having your cards read too often can negatively impact the quality of the messages you receive when they are coming through a third-party conduit.  Although, again, this is not a hard and fast rule.  When you have a specific question to ask and then a few weeks later, another specific question crops up, book another reading by all means.

If you are getting readings from a card reader and you don’t feel an affinity with them, then it may be time to try another card reading professional.  You should look forward to your readings.  Contacting your oracle card reader or tarot card reader should be a pleasure.  Indeed, many people tell me that they start to feel better as soon as they get in touch for a reading.  That is frequently the start of the process.

There are a lot of factors that determine how frequently an individual should have an oracle card reading, angel card reading or tarot card reading.  That is the crux of the question ‘how often should you get your cards read?‘  It’s entirely subjective, with the caveat that very frequent personal readings are not always a good thing.  You should never consider keep having readings in search of the answer that you want.  You should approach each reading with an open mind and with faith.  It is not unusual for parts of the reading to not make sense to you at the time.  It can be months or years later that something you were told comes to fruition or makes sense.

While many people approach having their cards read with a specific question or questions in mind, they have the reading to find answers or guidance about the specific questions that they ask.  Approximately fifty percent of card readings are open general readings where someone wants to know what the future holds for them or for clues if the decision already made is the right decision.  Furthermore, of all these people, there are some who feel inspired to have a card reading and don’t know why.  These readings can be extremely insightful and helpful as they discover things that they did not realise they needed to know.

Whatever your reason for having your cards read, it does not pay to cut corners.  Free or very cheap card readings are not due to an altruistic reader; they usually want something from you further down the line.  For example, they might sell your contact details, bombard you with marketing contact or send you a standard pre-prepared reading.  Yes, I have heard horror stories that many “card readers” do that.  When booking a reading, you want to make sure there is a guarantee that the reading is an individual reading for you.  You want to book your reading with a practitioner who has a clear mission statement and a privacy statement.  

You want to book someone who is professional.  When you have your hair cut or your boiler fixed, you don’t go to a cheap unqualified person; doing so doesn’t make sense.  You select a professional and pay a fair amount for a job well done that reflects the expertise and the time taken.  Why would you not take the same care when making decisions about your future? 

Reading someone’s cards is tiring when correctly undertaken and requires experience, practice and training.  The time taken for the card reading is usually preceded by meditation and tuning in.  When you have a typed or recorded reading, additional time is required.  Your reader will also have to buy the equipment, use electricity, and so on.  So, when you take all of this into account, many professional readings are very good value.   

Many of us have to limit the number of readings we do per week and need to use further time to cleanse ourselves of energies that we collect as we work.