What are Chakras What are the Seven Main Chakras

What are Chakras What are the Seven Main Chakras

7 chakras as crystal tumble stones

Chakra means wheel in Sanscript and refers to points of energy in our bodies.  For optimum health, your chakras should be healthy, open and aligned so that energy flows freely throughout your body.  There are seven main chakras.  Here, I’ll introduce you to chakras and talk you through the seven main chakras.

My Chakra Journey

I turned away from learning about chakras for a long time, but they were something that kept coming up through meditation, my yoga practice, healing practice and when I learnt about crystals and feng shui.  They were something that also came up when I did a Reiki course to support my angel healing.  Once I started to open up to the possibility of these energy areas in our bodies, I found myself guided to learn more and more.  The chakras are really amazing and all credit to the ancient Indian masters who brought the information to humanity.

Of course, it is easier for those of us who deal with the intangible and metaphysics on a regular basis, but like so many natural health practices, the proof is in the evidence of the improvements to health and wellbeing when we utilise techniques to support them.  I can completely understand anyone who is reluctant to embrace the power of the seven main chakras, seeing chakras as something too woo-woo or out there!  I urge you to open your mind and your heart to the possibilities that putting your faith in creating balance in these seven important areas of your body will improve your physical and mental health.

Seven Colours of the Rainbow Seven Angel Colours Seven Chakra Colours

I soon learnt that there is no coincidence that the seven chakras are connected to the seven colours of the rainbow, just like the angels.  When you put your heart in faith and open your mind, heart and soul to the possibilities.  The various healing and balance tools that we are gifted come around in a big circle.  Since I have been embracing the chakras, my health has improved, my vibration is raised, whilst the other benefit is that the knowledge enables me to better help other people and their pets too.

The seven main chakras are:

  • Root Chakra called Muladhara
  • Sacral Chakra called Svashisthana
  • Solar Plexus Chakra called Manipura
  • Heart Chakra called Anahata
  • Throat Chakra called Vishuddha
  • Third Eye Chakra called Ajna
  • Crown Chakra called Sahasrara

Chakra health is supported in many ways, such as through regular yoga practice, chakra cleansing, meditation, Reiki or angel healing, and crystals.

  • The root chakra is situated at the base of your spine
  • The sacral chakra is positioned below the navel
  • The solar plexus chakra is located below your ribs in your stomach area
  • The heart chakra is located in the centre of your chest
  • The throat chakra is in the throat region
  • The third eye chakra is located between your eyebrows
  • The crown chakra is on the top of your head

When any of your chakras are blocked, out of alignment or otherwise out of sorts, the stagnant energy or lack of energy flow impacts on your physical and mental health.  Chakra health is an essential aspect of holistic health and healing.

The different chakras shape certain aspects of your life.  Most people are strongly aligned to a particular chakra.  Ensuring that the chakra you are most aligned to is healthy and balanced is essential.  When you know which chakra you are most aligned to, you will discover that practice associated with needs around that specific chakra gives you amazing health benefits.

When you are unsure which chakra you are most closely aligned to, balancing all the chakras and ensuring alignment is a worthwhile activity.  Frequently, once you have worked on balancing all the chakras, you discover which is the one you most closely align to or which one is most out of sync and requires extra care.

Colour Association of the Seven Main Chakras

  • Muladhara Root Chakra associated with red
  • Svashisthana Sacral Chakra associated with orange
  • Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra associated with yellow
  • Anahata Heart Chakra associated with green or sometimes pink
  • Vishuddha Throat Chakra associated with blue
  • Ajna Third Eye Chakra associated with purple or indigo
  • Sahasrara Crown Chakra associated with white or sometimes purple

I will cover the individual chakras in future postings.